US6506148B2 Patent – Can We “Manipulate” Nervous Systems for Good?

US6506148B2 Patent Analysis PQAI

The truth is that every news [channel] is a variant of the other, and the difference is one of degree. – Barkha Dutt

Let’s pause for a moment and distill the importance of a patent, shall we?

If you enter the search query on Google, “importance of patents,” you’re likely to receive an excerpt from a UW Law article stating, “Patents have a positive effect on society because they promote innovation and help develop new products.”

Now let’s turn our attention to a commonly accepted facet of human psychology.

Humans tend to pay more attention to sensational news, wouldn’t you agree?

We recently came across patent US6506148B2, which is notorious for making news rounds from time to time.

The patent title is “Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors.”

The opening sentences of the abstract state, “Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near ½ Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.”

This may have the potential to trigger a public outcry about mass surveillance by “big brother” because sensationalism sells!

(Source: Instagram)

Using PQAI for Searching Similar Inventions from Patent and Non-Patent Literature

In this piece, we want to share five patents and scholarly articles we discovered using an open-source patent search AI called PQAI. We conducted our research without using expert patent search skills or complex keyword search strings. In fact, we created our search queries in plain English.

You may be wondering, “What’sPQAI?”

PQAI stands for Patent Quality Artificial Intelligence. It is an open-source library of patent-related tools providing a next-generation AI-based prior-art search engine. PQAI’s search engine evaluates search results and returns the top ten prior art references. In addition, the search engine trains itself to determine which results to return based on historical patent examination records.

Similar Inventions We Found Using PQAI That Can Incredibly Benefit Humans

#1 – Helping Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Patients Lead Fulfilling Lives

Patent US9033861B2 – “Low frequency neurostimulator for the treatment of neurological disorders”

Neurological disorders such as Epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease severely limit an individual’s ability to live a fulfilling life.

Epilepsy can cause seizures in the brain’s normal functioning. It presents dangers such as loss of awareness and motor control, pregnancy complications, and emotional health issues such as depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies.

Parkinson’s disease is a non-curable progressive disorder that affects the nervous system. It can cause debilitating outcomes such as trembling, rigid muscles, impaired posture, slurry speech, and loss of involuntary movements as minute as the blinking of eyes.

Frightening, right?

Our research using PQAI helped us discover this patent that explains a system for treating neurological conditions by low-frequency time-varying electrical stimulation.

In particular, this invention aims to help treat “certain neurological disorders such as epilepsy, migraine headaches, and Parkinson’s disease. The purpose of the present invention is to overcome the shortcomings of all known devices for treating such disorders.”

#2 – New-Age Neurostimulation Therapy for Treating Migraines and Epilepsy

Patent US10471271B1 – “Systems and methods of individualized magnetic stimulation therapy”

A widespread neurological condition that can severely affect your quality of life is Migraine.

Although characterized as a “strong headache,” migraine headaches cause severe pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Neurostimulation therapy is a potential treatment for conditions such as headaches and epilepsy. 

Unfortunately, neurostimulation therapy is not without its drawbacks. This treatment can potentially cause adverse side effects, including “alterations in processes related to learning, cognition, memory, and attention.”

PQAI helped us to come across this patent which is an attempt to deliver better neurostimulation therapy for treating neurological disorders.

The invention offers the potential for better treatment of seizures, epilepsy, and cardiac disorders by avoiding stimulating non-target tissue and producing other unwanted side effects.

#3 – Inducing Lucid Dreaming Without Preoperative Hair Removal

Patent US20190374786A1 – “Low-powered electromagnetic brain stimulation dreaming apparatus and method”

Prepare to read something meta.

The practice is called lucid dreaming.

A lucid dream occurs when you are asleep but aware that you are dreaming.

What’s more, you can potentially take control of your dream’s narrative to some degree.

Since lucid dreams allow a state of awareness, with the individual reflecting upon this awareness, they are often associated with metacognition.

Metacognition is the process of thinking about one’s own thinking.

Lucid dreaming is not sorcery! It offers a lot of health benefits as well.

According to Healthline, the positive mental health effects of lucid dreaming include improved cognitive abilities, decreased anxiety and depression, and treatment for nightmares related to PTSD.

PQAI helped us unearth this patent for “a device which uses electromagnetic fields to stimulate brain activity during sleep.”

This invention aims to provide a better approach to inducing lucid dreaming.

Unfortunately, existing devices and methods have significant deficiencies. They use “electrodes or anodes to engage a subject’s skin or cranium.”

The patent summarizes that “these devices suffer from many inefficiencies and disadvantages, including that they almost exclusively make use of electrodes which must make direct contact with the scalp or skin and function by sending electrical current into the cranium rather than issuing electromagnetic fields from a solenoid. Patients must often shave their heads so that their skin can make contact with the electrodes.”

#4 – Delaying the Onset and Severity of Multiple Sclerosis

Patent US20180043174A1 – “Method and apparatus for electromagnetic treatment of multiple sclerosis”

The presumption that the human body is an “engineering” marvel is undoubtedly true.

It is a sobering fact that this marvelous mechanism can self-destruct for no reason whatsoever.

This is precisely the case in multiple sclerosis (MS).

MS is a lifelong condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord. It can cause effects such as loss of motor control and cognitive abilities, blurred vision, muscle spasms, etc.

But what causes its onset?

Multiple sclerosis mysteriously occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks the brain and nerves. It does so by damaging the protective covering of nerves.

One approach to treat patients with MS is by the application of electromagnetic fields (EMF), and in particular, pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF).

Our research using PQAI helped us discover this invention that presents a method and apparatus for potentially reducing the severity, delaying, or preventing the onset of MS and MS-related symptoms by applying the aforementioned electromagnetic fields.

Human studies, in particular, have illustrated that such treatments can significantly reduce inflammation and pain and enhance cognitive performance.

#5 – Understanding the Relationship of Electromagnetic Fields and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Research Paper – Electromagnetic Fields and Neurodegenerative Diseases

PQAI can also index and provide non-patent literature to conduct your prior art research.

This article presents current knowledge about the participation of electromagnetic fields in the occurrence and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

This study further fuels interest in using safe magnetic fields to turn specific brain regions on and off to cure such conditions.

Moreover, here is a video on how we used PQAI to find similar ideas, patents, or inventions!

Parting Thoughts

Patenting is about looking into the future, wouldn’t you agree?

However, it’s tough to know how the world will evolve in the near future. Therefore, one approach that can interest an inventor is a generalization—expanding your idea.

Why? The idea (pun unintended) is to make your idea so broad that you run into obstacles stating your potential invention has already been invented.

Patents have an initial claim and then dependent claims. Generalization helps to broaden your idea in case some prior art is already there. Therefore, a prior-art search tool like PQAI can help you find the right segment.

About Us

PQAI is a not-for-profit initiative working to develop an open-source AI-based library of patent-related software components to speed up innovation and boost patent quality.

It is private and secure, empowering every inventor to ignite their success and creativity.

To learn more about PQAI, visit PQAI’s website. And to become a collaborator in this open-source project, you can explore PQAI’s GitHub directory.

Is Your Invention Patentable? Get a Fair Idea Using PQAI

Is Your Invention Patentable

You have invented something new and useful — be it a new garden tool, anti-aging cream, or even a power transfer technique for mobile phones. Bravo! But you might wonder: 

Is my invention patentable? 

Inventors consider this question shortly after their eureka moments. A patent brings the much-needed security that no one else can get rich off your idea.

But first, you need to apply for one. And before that? Confirm you’re the first person who thought of your innovative idea. That’s where PQAI’s prior art search tool comes in — to help you decide whether it’s worth pursuing a patent. 

So, how do you know your odds of getting a patent? Most countries have their own criteria for obtaining patents, though they all have similar features. Notably, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) lays out some eligibility criteria for patents that we’ll get into shortly. 

Let’s find out what makes an idea patentable. 

How to Find Out if Your Invention is Patentable

The costly way to get a patent is to file a patent application with your country’s patent office. Just one round of negotiation with the patent office may cost you ~5000 USD. But why go in blind?

A little homework can go a long way. Keep reading to learn about what it takes to get a patent.

You will also see how PQAI’s prior art search is a vital first step to make patents more accessible and convenient for inventors. 

Conditions for Getting a Patent

Everything man-made is patentable as long as the invention meets these criteria. 

First of all, your invention must be new — the first of its kind. If that’s the case, the patent office will happily provide you with a patent. But their job is to ensure no two people receive the same patent. How do they address this? Glad you asked — it’s called a prior art search. It looks out for inventions that are: 

  • Available for sale or already patented 
  • Described in a patent application from another inventor before the day you submit your application
  • Described in any public document e.g., research papers, magazine articles, product brochures, etc.
  • Available to the public in any way before you submit your application (YouTube, conference presentation, online, etc.)

Now, even if your invention is “technically” new (such as a chair with wheels) it may still be denied on the basis of something called “obviousness.”

Let’s say you invented a chair with wheels to make moving around the office easier. But hang on… office chairs already exist. It’s also well known that wheels make it easy to move things around, like a trolley or a car. So adding wheels to the chair seems obvious. And you receive a patent rejection on the basis of obviousness. See the dilemma? 

Last but not least, the invention should be functional and have a useful purpose.

Here’s an example. Let’s say you invented a machine meant to chop down trees, but in practice, it barely cuts into the tree and breaks down easily. Unfortunately, your invention doesn’t meet the usefulness requirement. 

Novel? Check. Non-obvious? Check. Useful? Check — at least in your mind. But how can you be certain

It’s time for a patent and prior art search. 

Patent Search

Patent search is limited to patent literature. If you submit a patent application, one of a thousand examiners at the USPTO will conduct a thorough patent search to find inventions similar to yours in patents and patent applications, whether published or unpublished. The patent examiners also conduct a search in non-patent literature.

Prior Art Search

Prior art goes even further than patent literature, including disclosures, publications — pretty much anything that proves someone else invented your invention. Prior art covers both patent and non-patent literature — books, journals, periodicals, products, any publication, and patents and patent applications. 

But here’s the thing: searching through millions of prior art items might take ages. And if you hire an attorney or law firm to do it? It’d probably cost you thousands of dollars. 

So a pragmatic step is for you, the inventor, to conduct a prior art search yourself to get a good idea about your invention’s patentability. 

How can you do this?

With an inventor-friendly prior art search tool like PQAI. You can use it to describe your invention in simple words on the search interface instead of a complex boolean keyword search string.

How to Conduct a Prior Art Search Using PQAI

What if you could get a fair idea about your invention’s patentability within an hour, at zero budget?

PQAI’s AI helps inventors breeze through prior art searches. The tool searches through inventions that resemble yours to narrow down whether it’s feasible to pursue a patent. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting a prior art search with PQAI: 

Step #1 – Describe Your Invention in Plain English

Let’s say you invented a battery-powered potato peeler. With the click of a button, the peeler shaves potato peels smoothly and effortlessly. 

So how should you begin your search? What should you put in the search box? We suggest starting with a simple description of what your invention does. Your description can be a high-level overview, not a long, detailed one. Go to PQAI’s Prior Art Search Tool page. 

You’ll find it just below the search form on the left. It’s best to keep this initial search as broad as possible, considering only your invention’s general purpose and audience. But don’t worry — you can add more details in more targeted queries (more on that later). 

Step #2 – Review the Top Ten Results and Drawings

Take a look at the results. 

You might notice a wide range of potato peelers with patents, but how many resemble yours? You can get a quick idea by clicking on the “Show Mapping” button with every result. 

For example, you might notice an accessory potato peeler for a food processor. Similar, but not by much. You can just ignore those kinds of results at this point.

Source – PQAI Prior Art Search Tool

But if you notice anything with similar wording? For example, “electrically driven” or “motorized” should catch your eye. Now these are the results you want to dig into. You can see more similar inventions by clicking on “More like this.”

Source – PQAI Prior Art Search Tool

The search engine will present ten new results. As you examine each result, look at the accompanying drawings for anything else relevant.

Keep going back and forth, adjusting the search filters to get more relevant results.

Step #3 – Prepare a List of Relevant Results

If you find any relevant results, click “save results.” Then, you can download a PDF report.

Source – PQAI Prior Art Search Tool

All done? Your PQAI report is primed and ready for your patent attorney’s review. We’ve done most of the legwork, saving you hours and thousands in legal bills. Don’t forget to check out our video demonstration of a PQAI search, too!

Now, your attorney can help you make a faster call about whether it makes sense to file a patent application, and which parts of the invention you should focus on. 

Benefits of Using PQAI to Conduct a Patent Search

What sets PQAI apart from other prior art search options? Here are some notable benefits:

#1 – Easy to Use

PQAI has a simple, user-friendly interface specifically designed for inventors. No need for expert searching skills or complex keyword search strings — users can prepare search queries in plain English. 

#2 – Relevance

Our AI-powered library is consistently trained to deliver only the most relevant results. Its goal is to find everything relevant within the top 10 results, but going beyond is as easy as the click of a button. 

#3 – Time-efficient

PQAI saves you a lot of time that you’d otherwise spend sifting through hundreds of results for relevant ones. The convenient mapping tool helps you assess results with easy excerpts of matching text. 

#4 – Combinational Prior Art Search

Most patent search tools can’t tell whether your invention is obvious when compared to two or more patents. Our combinational search helps inventors avoid the common 103 rejection

#5 – Prepares You For a Patent Attorney Discussion

PQAI compiles relevant prior art into an accessible report to jumpstart your attorney meeting. 

FAQs by Inventors When Exploring Patentability

#1 – What are the different types of patents?

The USPTO recognizes three types of patents: 

  • Utility patents for new and useful improvements or processes, manufactured articles, compositions of matter, or machines;
  • Design patents for original ornamental designs for manufactured articles;
  • Plant patents for man-made reproductions of new plant varieties.

#2 – How much does it cost to get a patent?

A patent application is subject to filing, examination, and search fees that add up to $300-$3,000, depending on whether you’re a micro-, small, or large entity. You’ll also face fees in the hundreds for extension periods, late filings, incomplete applications, and translations for non-English applications. These are all USPTO fees, but hiring a patent attorney or law firm will cost thousands in legal fees. 

#3 – How long does it take to get the patent?

The USPTO takes 1-2 years on average to approve a patent. 

#4 – How can I confirm whether my idea is not already patented?

The easiest, fastest, and cheapest way to reasonably confirm whether your idea is already patented is to conduct a prior art search with PQAI. However, please note even a PQAI search cannot guarantee there is no prior art. But reasonable estimates go a long way.

#5 – What are some free prior art or patent search tools?

Google Patent Search is a popular, free patent search tool, though you’ll find other free Google Patents alternatives like PQAI that are more inventor friendly. 

#6 – How can I prepare for a preliminary discussion with a patent attorney about filing for a patent?

The best way to prepare yourself for a patentability discussion with a patent attorney is to do a preliminary prior art search using PQAI. 

#7 – What are the common obstacles in the process of getting patents?

Common obstacles to obtaining patents are securing funds for legal consultation, rejections based on obviousness or novelty, and incorrectly completed applications. 

FAQs by Inventors When Using PQAI Prior Art Search Engine

#1 – Will my idea stay confidential if I run it through PQAI?

Absolutely! PQAI neither stores nor shares personal data from queries with external parties. We value user privacy and security. 

#2 – What should I do if I don’t find patents or prior art related to my invention using PQAI?

We recommend adjusting your search filters or loading the next ten results in continuous cycles until you find relevant results. If you can’t find any related patents or prior art, download the report and share it with a patent attorney. 

#3 – What should I do after running my idea through PQAI? 

Once you run your idea through PQAI, leverage the prior art results to fine-tune your idea. You might re-evaluate your idea, continue innovating with new inspiration, or take your idea to a patent attorney. 

Parting Thoughts

So, is my invention patentable? PQAI’s prior art search engine is the best way to find out. It is specifically designed for inventors to check their ideas for patentability, but that’s not the only reason you should use it. 

PQAI has big plans to shape the future of AI patent search, and here’s how we’re doing it. Our open-source, AI-powered library invites collaboration, compiling expertise from the finest minds across the globe — professional software developers and creative thinkers like you! With global access to these tools, our not-for-profit initiative drives diversity and inclusion, accelerates innovation, improves patent quality, and more.

It’s time to conduct your own patentability search. Try out the PQAI prior art search engine!

Top AI-Based Research Papers on Prior Art Search

Top AI Based Research Papers on Prior Art Search

Since searchable digital patent databases gained widespread acceptance, the IP industry has been greatly interested in moving beyond basic, keyword-based searching. Numerous startups and established companies have tried their hand at the problem of AI-powered patent searches. With each attempt, they have developed multiple techniques.

True AI search that goes beyond keyword matching to understand what you are looking for  has remained elusive for decades. Fortunately, a new wave of progress has risen in the last few years as a result of the foundational developments in natural language processing using deep neural networks.

Early developments were triggered by the popularization of word embedding techniques around 2014. This technique of word representation allows words with similar meanings to have a similar representation. Word embeddings are a precursor to a new era in patent searching. This technique on its own, however, is insufficient for true AI search.

From 2015 to 2017, contextualized word embeddings and various techniques for creating sentence embeddings were invented. Then, in 2018, transformer-based language models such as BERT significantly advanced things. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) better understands the nuances and context of words in search queries and can match those queries with more relevant results.

Google also released a custom version of its BERT model trained on patent data. Parallel advancements in AI training, such as contrastive learning and learning-to-rank techniques, have enabled researchers to develop more robust and entirely new ways of searching patents.

Today is an exciting time in the history of patent search technology, with an improved AI appearing on the research landscape every couple of weeks. These advances will undoubtedly make it easier for people, both professional searchers and inventors, to explore and make sense of the patent data.

But what about you? What will make your research less time-consuming?

PQAI has taken the onus to constantly update our project, in which we are creating a one-stop online repository of all the research papers in the field of AI-based patent search.

Moreover, we’ll notify you when a new paper is published to keep you updated with the latest advancements in the industry. This way, you will have access to all the previous and upcoming information available for your research/development without having a flood of emails stuffing your inbox.

For your convenience, all the papers published since 2004 have been listed below (latest first) with  author names, the year published, and download links.


A Two-Stage Deep Learning-Based System For Patent Citation Recommendation


Choi Jaewoong, Lee Jiho, Yoon Janghyeok, Jang Sion, Jaeyoung Kim, Sungchul Choi

Year of Publishing


Published On



Pukyong National University, Netmarble AI Center, VUNO INC




The increasing number of patents leads patent applicants and examiners to spend more time and cost on searching and citing prior patents. Deep learning has exhibited outstanding performance in the recommendation of movies, music, products, and paper citation. However, the application of deep learning in patent citation recommendation has not been addressed well. Despite many attempts to apply deep learning models to the patent domain, there is little attention to the patent citation recommendation. Since patent citation is determined according to a complex technological context beyond simply finding semantically similar preceding documents, it is necessary to understand the context in which the citation occurs. Therefore, we propose a dataset named as a PatentNet to capture technological citation context based on textual information, meta data and examiner citation information for about 110,000 patents. Also, this paper proposes a strong benchmark model considering the similarity of patent text as well as technological citation context using cooperative patent classification (CPC) code. The proposed model exploits a two-stage structure of selecting based on textual information and pre-trained CPC embedding values and re-ranking candidates using a trained deep learning model with examiner citation information. The proposed model achieved improved performance with an MRR of 0.2506 on the benchmarking dataset, outperforming the existing methods. The results obtained show that learning about the descriptive citation context, rather than simple text similarity, has an important influence on citation recommendation. The proposed model and dataset can help researchers to understand technological citation context and assist patent examiners or applicants to find prior patents to cite effectively.


Multi-Document Summarization For Patent Documents Based On Generative Adversarial Network


Sunhye Kim, Byungun Yoon

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Dongguk University




Given the exponential growth of patent documents, automatic patent summarization methods to facilitate the patent analysis process are in strong demand. Recently, the development of natural language processing (NLP), text-mining, and deep learning has greatly improved the performance of text summarization models for general documents. However, existing models cannot be successfully applied to patent documents, because patent documents describing an inventive technology and using domain-specific words have many differences from general documents. To address this challenge, we propose in this study a multi-patent summarization approach based on deep learning to generate an abstractive summarization considering the characteristics of a patent. Single patent summarization and multi-patent summarization were performed through a patent-specific feature extraction process, a summarization model based on generative adversarial network (GAN), and an inference process using topic modeling. The proposed model was verified by applying it to a patent in the drone technology field. In consequence, the proposed model performed better than existing deep learning summarization models. The proposed approach enables high-quality information summary for a large number of patent documents, which can be used by R&D researchers and decision-makers. In addition, it can provide a guideline for deep learning research using patent data.


A Survey On Sentence Embedding Models Performance For Patent Analysis


Hamid Bekamiri, Daniel S. Hain, Roman Jurowetzki

Year of Publishing


Published On



Cornell University




Patent data is an important source of knowledge for innovation research, while the technological similarity between pairs of patents is a key enabling indicator for patent analysis. Recently researchers have been using patent vector space models based on different NLP embeddings models to calculate the technological similarity between pairs of patents to help better understand innovations, patent landscaping, technology mapping, and patent quality evaluation. More often than not, Text Embedding is a vital precursor to patent analysis tasks. A pertinent question then arises: How should we measure and evaluate the accuracy of these embeddings? To the best of our knowledge, there is no comprehensive survey that builds a clear delineation of embedding models’ performance for calculating patent similarity indicators. Therefore, in this study, we provide an overview of the accuracy of these algorithms based on patent classification performance and propose a standard library and dataset for assessing the accuracy of embeddings models based on PatentSBERTa approach. In a detailed discussion, we report the performance of the top 3 algorithms at section, class, and subclass levels. The results based on the first claim of patents show that PatentSBERTa, Bert-for-patents, and TF-IDF Weighted Word Embeddings have the best accuracy for computing sentence embeddings at the subclass level. According to the first results, the performance of the models in different classes varies, which shows researchers in patent analysis can utilize the results of this study to choose the best proper model based on the specific section of patent data they used.


End To End Neural Retrieval For Patent Prior Art Search


Vasileios Stamatis

Year of Publishing


Published On



International Hellenic University




This research will examine neural retrieval methods for patent prior art search. One research direction is the federated search approach, where we proposed two new methods that solve the results merging problem in federated patent search using machine learning models. The methods are based on a centralized index containing samples of documents from all potential resources, and they implement machine learning models to predict comparable scores for the documents retrieved by different resources. The other research direction is the adaptation of end-to-end neural retrieval approaches to the patent characteristics such that the retrieval effectiveness will be increased. Off-the-self neural methods like BERT have lower effectiveness for patent prior art search. So, we adapt the BERT model to patent characteristics in order to increase retrieval performance. We propose a new gate-based document retrieval method and examine it in patent prior art search. The method combines a first-stage retrieval method using BM25 and a re-ranking approach where the BERT model is used as a gating function that operates on the BM25 score and modifies it according to the BERT relevance score. These experiments are based on two-stage retrieval approaches as neural models like BERT requires lots of computing power to be used. Eventually, the final part of the research will examine first-stage neural retrieval methods such as dense retrieval methods adapted to patent characteristics for prior art search.


A Doc2vec And Local Outlier Factor Approach To Measuring The Novelty Of Patents


Daeseong Jeon, Joon MoAhn, Juram Kim, Changyong Lee

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, Sogang University




Patent analysis using text mining techniques is an effective way to identify novel technologies. However, the results of previous studies have been of limited use in practice because they require domain-specific knowledge and reflect the limited technological features of patents. As a remedy, this study proposes a machine learning approach to measuring the novelty of patents. At the heart of this approach are doc2vec to represent patents as vectors using textual information of patents and the local outlier factor to measure the novelty of patents on a numerical scale. A case study of 1,877 medical imaging technology patents confirms that our novelty scores are significantly correlated with the relevant patent indicators in the literature and that the novel patents identified have a higher technological impact on average. It is expected that the proposed approach could be useful as a complementary tool to support expert decision-making in identifying new technology opportunities, especially for small and medium-sized companies with limited technological knowledge and resources.


Deep Learning For Patent Landscaping Using Transformer And Graph Embedding


Seokkyu Choi, Hyeonju Lee, Eunjeong Park, Sungchul Choi

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Gachon University, Industrial Application R&D Institute, Seoul National University, Seoul National University




Patent landscaping is used to search for related patents during research and development projects. Patent landscaping is a crucial task required during the early stages of an R & D project to avoid the risk of patent infringement and to follow current trends in technology. The first task of patent landscaping is to extract the target patent for analysis from a patent database. Because patent classification for patent landscaping requires advanced human resources and can be tedious, the demand for automated patent classification has gradually increased. However, a shortage of well-defined benchmark datasets and comparable models makes it difficult to find related research studies. This paper proposes an automated patent classification model for patent landscaping based on transformer and graph embedding, both of which are drawn from deep learning. The proposed model uses a transformer architecture to derive text embedding from patent abstracts and uses a graph neural network to derive graph embedding from classification code co-occurrence information and concatenates them. Furthermore, we introduce four benchmark datasets to compare related research studies on patent landscaping. The obtained results showed prominent performance that was actually applicable to our dataset and comparable to the model using BERT, which has recently shown the best performance.


Establish A Patent Risk Prediction Model For Emerging Technologies Using Deep Learning And Data Augmentation


Yung-Chang Chi, Hei-Chia Wang

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


National Cheng Kung University, National Cheng Kung University




Technology patents are considered the source and bedrock of emerging technologies. Patents create value in any enterprise. However, obtaining patents is time consuming, expensive, and risky; especially if the patent application is rejected. The development of new patents requires extensive costs and resources, but sometimes they may be similar to other patents once the technology is fully developed. They might lack relevant patentable features and as a result, fail to pass the patent examination, resulting in investment losses. Patent infringement is also an especially important topic for reducing the risk of legal damages of patent holders, applicants, and manufacturers. Patent examinations have so far been performed manually. Due to manpower and time limitations, the examination time is exceedingly long and inefficient. Current patent similarity comparison research, and the classification algorithms of text mining are most commonly employed to provide analyses of the possibility of examination approval, but there is insufficient discussion about the possibility of infringement. However, if a new technology or innovation can be accurately determined in advance whether it likely to pass or fail (and why), or is at risk of patent infringement, losses can be mitigated.

This research attempts to identify the issues involved in evaluating patent applications and infringement risks from existing patent databases. For each patent application, this research uses Convolutional Neural Networks, CNN + Long Short Term Memory Network, LSTM, prediction model, and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) public utility patent application and reviews results based on keyword search. Then, data augmentation is utilized before performing model training; 10% of the approved and rejected applications are randomly selected as test cases, with the remaining 90% of the cases used to train the prediction model of this research in order to determine a model that can predict patent infringement and examination outcomes. Experimental results of the model in this study predicts that the accuracy of each classification is at least 87.7%, and can be used to find the classification of the reason for a rejection of a patent application failure.


Pre-Trained Transformer-Based Classification For Automated Patentability Examination


Hao-Cheng Lo, Jung-Mei Chu

Year of Publishing


Published On



National Taiwan University




Patentability examination, which means checking whether claims of a patent application meet the requirements for being patentable, is highly reliant on experts’ arduous endeavors entailing domain knowledge. Therefore, automated patentability examination would be the immediate priority, though under-appreciated. In this work, being the first to cast deep-learning light on automated patentability examination, we formulate this task as a multi-label text classification problem, which is challenging due to learning cross-sectional characteristics of abstract requirements (labels) from text content replete with inventive terms. To address this problem, we fine-tune downstream multi-label classification models over pre-trained transformer variants (BERT-BaseLarge, RoBERTa-BaseLarge, and XLNet) in light of their state-of-the-art achievements on many tasks. On a large USPTO patent database, we assess the performance of our models and find the model outperforming others based on the metrics, namely micro-precision, micro-recall, and micro-F1.


PatentNet: Multi-Label Classification Of Patent Documents Using Deep Learning Based Language Understanding


Arousha Haghighian Roudsari, Jafar Afshar, Wookey Lee, Suan Lee 

Year of Publishing


Published On



Inha University, Semyung University




Patent classification is an expensive and time-consuming task that has conventionally been performed by domain experts. However, the increase in the number of filed patents and the complexity of the documents make the classification task challenging. The text used in patent documents is not always written in a way to efficiently convey knowledge. Moreover, patent classification is a multi-label classification task with a large number of labels, which makes the problem even more complicated. Hence, automating this expensive and laborious task is essential for assisting domain experts in managing patent documents, facilitating reliable search, retrieval, and further patent analysis tasks. Transfer learning and pre-trained language models have recently achieved state-of-the-art results in many Natural Language Processing tasks. In this work, we focus on investigating the effect of fine-tuning the pre-trained language models, namely, BERT, XLNet, RoBERTa, and ELECTRA, for the essential task of multi-label patent classification. We compare these models with the baseline deep-learning approaches used for patent classification. We use various word embeddings to enhance the performance of the baseline models. The publicly available USPTO-2M patent classification benchmark and M-patent datasets are used for conducting experiments. We conclude that fine-tuning the pre-trained language models on the patent text improves the multi-label patent classification performance. Our findings indicate that XLNet performs the best and achieves a new state-of-the-art classification performance with respect to precision, recall, F1 measure, as well as coverage error, and LRAP.


PatentSBERTa: A Deep NLP Based Hybrid Model For Patent Distance And Classification Using Augmented SBERT


Hamid Bekamiri, Daniel S. Hain, Roman Jurowetzki

Year of Publishing


Published On



Aalborg University Business School




This study provides an efficient approach for using text data to calculate patent-to-patent (p2p) technological similarity, and presents a hybrid framework for leveraging the resulting p2p similarity for applications such as semantic search and automated patent classification. We create embeddings using Sentence-BERT (SBERT) based on patent claims. To further increase the patent embedding quality, we use transformer models based on SBERT and RoBERT, and apply the augmented approach for fine-tuning SBERT by in-domain supervised patent claims data. We leverage SBERTs efficiency in creating embedding distance measures to map p2p similarity in large sets of patent data. We deploy our framework for classification with a simple Nearest Neighbors (KNN) model that predicts Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) of a patent based on the class assignment of the K patents with the highest p2p similarity. We thereby validate that the p2p similarity captures their technological features in terms of CPC overlap, and at the same demonstrate the usefulness of this approach for automatic patent classification based on text data. Furthermore, the presented classification framework is simple and the results easy to interpret and evaluate by end-users. In the out-of-sample model validation, we are able to perform a multi-label prediction of all assigned CPC classes on the subclass (663) level on 1,492,294 patents with an accuracy of 54% and F1 score > 66%, which suggests that our model outperforms the current state-of-the-art in text-based multi-label and multi-class patent classification. We furthermore discuss the applicability of the presented framework for semantic IP search, patent landscaping, and technology intelligence. We finally point towards a future research agenda for leveraging multi-source patent embeddings, their appropriateness across applications, as well as to improve and validate patent embeddings by creating domain-expert curated Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) benchmark datasets.


A Multi-Task Approach To Neural Multi-Label Hierarchical Patent Classification Using Transformers


Subhash Chandra Pujari, Annemarie Friedrich, Jannik Strotgen ¨

Year of Publishing


Published On



Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Heidelberg University




With the aim of facilitating internal processes as well as search applications, patent offices categorize documents into taxonomies such as the Cooperative Patent Categorization. This task corresponds to a multi-label hierarchical

text classification problem. Recent approaches based on pre-trained neural language models have shown promising performance by focusing on leaf-level label

prediction. Prior works using intrinsically hierarchical algorithms, which learn a

separate classifier for each node in the hierarchy, have also demonstrated their effectiveness despite being based on symbolic feature inventories. However, training one transformer-based classifier per node is computationally infeasible due

to memory constraints. In this work, we propose a Transformer-based Multi-task

Model (TMM) overcoming this limitation. Using a multi-task setup and sharing

a single underlying language model, we train one classifier per node. To the best

of our knowledge, our work constitutes the first approach to patent classification combining transformers and hierarchical algorithms. We outperform several

non-neural and neural baselines on the WIPO-alpha dataset as well as on a new

dataset of 70k patents, which we publish along with this work. Our analysis reveals that our approach achieves much higher recall while keeping precision high.

Strong increases on macro-average scores demonstrate that our model also performs much better for infrequent labels. An extended version of the model with

additional connections reflecting the label taxonomy results in a further increase

of recall especially at the lower levels of the hierarchy.


PQPS: Prior-Art Query-Based Patent Summarizer Using RBM And Bi-LSTM


Girthana Kumaravel, Swamynathan Sankaranarayanan

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Anna University




A prior-art search on patents ascertains the patentability constraints of the invention through an organized review of prior-art document sources. This search technique poses challenges because of the inherent vocabulary mismatch problem. Manual processing of every retrieved relevant patent in its entirety is a tedious and time-consuming job that demands automated patent summarization for ease of access. This paper employs deep learning models for summarization as they take advantage of the massive dataset present in the patents to improve the summary coherence. This work presents a novel approach of patent summarization named PQPS: prior-art query-based patent summarizer using restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) and bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) models. The PQPS also addresses the vocabulary mismatch problem through query expansion with knowledge bases such as domain ontology and WordNet. It further enhances the retrieval rate through topic modeling and bibliographic coupling of citations. The experiments analyze various interlinked smart device patent sample sets. The proposed PQPS demonstrates that retrievability increases both in extractive and abstractive summaries.


Artificial Intelligence For Patent Prior Art Searching


Rossitza Setchi, Irena Spasić, Jeffrey Morgan, Christopher Harrison, Richard Corken

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Cardiff University, Intellectual Property Office UK




This study explored how artificial intelligence (AI) could assist patent examiners as part of the prior art search process. The proof-of-concept allowed experimentation with different AI techniques to suggest search terms, retrieve most relevant documents, rank them and visualise their content. The study suggested that AI is less effective in formulating search queries but can reduce the time and cost of the process of sifting through a large number of patents. The study highlighted the importance of the humanin-the-loop approach and the need for better tools for human-centred decision and performance support in prior art searching.


A Survey On Deep Learning For Patent Analysis


Ralf Krestel, Renukswamy Chikkamath, Christoph Hewel, Julian  Risch

Year of Publishing


Published On

Research Gate


University of Potsdam, University of Passau, BETTEN & RESCH




Patent document collections are an immense source of knowledge for research and innovation communities worldwide. The rapid growth of the number of patent documents poses an enormous challenge for retrieving and analyzing information from this source in an effective manner. Based on deep learning methods for natural language processing, novel approaches have been developed in the field of patent analysis. The goal of these approaches is to reduce costs by automating tasks that previously only domain experts could solve. In this article, we provide a comprehensive survey of the application of deep learning for patent analysis. We summarize the state-of-the-art techniques and describe how they are applied to various tasks in the patent domain. In a detailed discussion, we categorize 40 papers based on the dataset, the representation, and the deep learning architecture that were used, as well as the patent analysis task that was targeted. With our survey, we aim to foster future research at the intersection of patent analysis and deep learning and we conclude by listing promising paths for future work.


Patent Sentiment Analysis To Highlight Patent Paragraphs


Renukswamy Chikkamath, Vishvapalsinhji Ramsinh Parmar, Christoph Hewel, Markus Endres

Year of Publishing


Published On



University of Passau, BETTEN & RESCH




Given a patent document, identifying distinct semantic annotations is an interesting research aspect. Text annotation helps the patent practitioners such as examiners and patent attorneys to quickly identify the key arguments of any invention, successively providing a timely marking of a patent text. In the process of manual patent analysis, to attain better readability, recognising the semantic information by marking paragraphs is in practice. This semantic annotation process is laborious and time-consuming. To alleviate such a problem, we proposed a novel dataset to train Machine Learning algorithms to automate the highlighting process. The contributions of this work are: i) we developed a multi-class, novel dataset of size 150k samples by traversing USPTO patents over a decade, ii) articulated statistics and distributions of data using imperative exploratory data analysis, iii) baseline Machine Learning models are developed to utilize the dataset to address patent paragraph highlighting task, iv) dataset and codes relating to this task are open-sourced through a dedicated GIT web page:, and v) future path to extend this work using Deep Learning and domain specific pre-trained language models to develop a tool to highlight is provided. This work assist patent practitioners in highlighting semantic information automatically and aid to create a sustainable and efficient patent analysis using the aptitude of Machine Learning.


Artificial Intelligence Technology Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence Patent Through Deep Learning Model And Vector Space Model


Yongmin Yoo, Dongjin Lim, Kyungsun Kim

Year of Publishing


Published On



NHN Diquest




Thanks to rapid development of artificial intelligence technology in recent years, the current artificial intelligence technology is contributing to many part of society. Education, environment, medical care, military, tourism, economy, politics, etc. are having a very large impact on society as a whole. For example, in the field of education, there is an artificial intelligence tutoring system that automatically assigns tutors based on student’s level. In the field of economics, there are quantitative investment methods that automatically analyze large amounts of data to find investment laws to create investment models or predict changes in financial markets. As such, artificial intelligence technology is being used in various fields. So, it is very important to know exactly what factors have an important influence on each field of artificial intelligence technology and how the relationship between each field is connected. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze artificial intelligence technology in each field. In this paper, we analyze patent documents related to artificial intelligence technology. We propose a method for keyword analysis within factors using artificial intelligence patent data sets for artificial intelligence technology analysis. This is a model that relies on feature engineering based on deep learning model named KeyBERT, and using vector space model. A case study of collecting and analyzing artificial intelligence patent data was conducted to show how the proposed model can be applied to real world problem


Identifying Artificial Intelligence (AI) Invention: A Novel AI Patent Dataset


Alexander V. Giczy, Nicholas A. Pairolero, Andrew Toole

Year of Publishing


Published On



United States Patent and Trademark Office




Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of increasing scholarly and policy interest. To help researchers, policymakers, and the public, this paper describes a novel dataset identifying AI in over 13.2 million patents and pre-grant publications (PGPubs). The dataset, called the Artificial Intelligence Patent Dataset (AIPD), was constructed using machine learning models for each of eight AI component technologies covering areas such as natural language processing, AI hardware, and machine learning. The AIPD contains two data files, one identifying the patents and PGPubs predicted to contain AI and a second file containing the patent documents used to train the machine learning classification models. We also present several evaluation metrics based on manual review by patent examiners with focused expertise in AI, and show that our machine learning approach achieves state-of-the-art performance across existing alternatives in the literature. We believe releasing this dataset will strengthen policy formulation, encourage additional empirical work, and provide researchers with a common base for building empirical knowledge on the determinants and impacts of AI invention.


BERT Based Freedom To Operate Patent Analysis


Michael Freunek, André Bodmer

Year of Publishing


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University of Berne




In this paper we present a method to apply BERT to freedom to operate patent analysis and patent searches. According to the method, BERT is fine-tuned by training patent descriptions to the independent claims. Each description represents an invention which is protected by the corresponding claims. Such a trained BERT could be able to identify or order freedom to operate relevant patents based on a short description of an invention or product. We tested the method by training BERT on the patent class G06T1/00 and applied the trained BERT on five inventions classified in G06T1/60, described via DOCDB abstracts. The DOCDB abstract are available on ESPACENET of the European Patent Office. 


BERT Based Patent Novelty Search By Training Claims To Their Own Description


Michael Freunek, André Bodmer

Year of Publishing


Published On



University of Berne




In this paper we present a method to concatenate patent claims to their own description. By applying this method, BERT trains suitable descriptions for claims. Such a trained BERT (claim-to-descriptionBERT) could be able to identify novelty relevant descriptions for patents. In addition, we introduce a new scoring scheme, relevance scoring or novelty scoring, to process the output of BERT in a meaningful way. We tested the method on patent applications by training BERT on the first claims of patents and corresponding descriptions. BERT’s output has been processed according to the relevance score and the results compared with the cited X documents in the search reports. The test showed that BERT has scored some of the cited X documents as highly relevant.


Prior Art Search And Reranking For Generated Patent Text 


Jieh-Sheng Lee, Jieh Hsiang

Year of Publishing


Published On



National Taiwan University




Generative models, such as GPT-2, have demonstrated impressive results recently. A fundamental question we would like to address is: where did the generated text come from? This work is our initial effort toward answering the question by using prior art search. The purpose of the prior art search is to find the most similar prior text in the training data of GPT-2. We take a reranking approach and apply it to the patent domain. Specifically, we pre-train GPT-2 models from scratch by using the patent data from the USPTO. The input for the prior art search is the patent text generated by the GPT-2 model. We also pre-trained BERT models from scratch for converting patent text to embeddings. The steps of reranking are: (1) search the most similar text in the training data of GPT-2 by taking a bag-of-words ranking approach (BM25), (2) convert the search results in text format to BERT embeddings, and (3) provide the final result by ranking the BERT embeddings based on their similarities with the patent text generated by GPT-2. The experiments in this work show that such reranking is better than ranking with embeddings alone. However, our mixed results also indicate that calculating the semantic similarities among long text spans is still challenging. To our knowledge, this work is the first to implement a reranking system to identify retrospectively the most similar inputs to a GPT model based on its output.


An Empirical Study On Patent Novelty Detection: A Novel Approach Using Machine Learning And Natural Language Processing


Renukswamy Chikkamath; Markus Endres; Lavanya Bayyapu; Christoph Hewel

Year of Publishing


Published On



University of Passau, BETTEN und RESCH




Patent, a form of intellectual property often be in the first place when it comes to securing an invention. The legal boundaries created then will become key stages of turning an invention into a commercial product. In recent years, the unprecedented growth of patent applications has induced a great challenge to patent examiners. Novelty detection is one major step considered before and after filing a patent application to assure claimed inventions are new and non-obvious. This itself is considered as a salient stage of prior art search by patent applicants, patent examiners, patent attorneys, patent agent professionals. Management in terms of critical analysis of such a large scale of documents has become a challenge since missing an optimal, effective, and efficient system. To this end, we come up with a novel experimental case study to foster highly recursive and interactive tasks. We developed and investigated more than 50 machine learning models on the considered dataset. The contributions of this work include: (1) outlined and anticipated the importance of novelty detection in the patent domain, (2) develop various baseline models for novelty detection, (3) utilize immense contributions of deep learning towards NLP to improve baseline models, (4) assess the performance of every model by using different word embeddings like word2vec, glove, fasttext, and domain-specific embeddings, (5) a novel application of NBSVM algorithm on our dataset, and considered as exceptionally good of our models. We articulated the fulfillment of models using training and validation curves to prove seemingly negligible overfit or no overfit, in the hope that effective automation in novelty detection helps in driving down the routine prior art search efforts.


Identifying Valuable Patents: A Deep Learning Approach


Leonidas Aristodemou

Year of Publishing


Published On

University of Cambridge Repository


University of Cambridge




Big data is increasingly available in all areas of manufacturing, which presents value for enabling a competitive data-driven economy. Increased data availability presents an opportunity to introduce the next generation of innovative technologies. Firms invest in innovation and patents to increase, maintain and sustain competitive advantage. Consequently, the valuation of patents is a key determinant in economic growth since patents are an important innovation indicator. Given the surge in patenting throughout the world, the interest in the value of patents has grown significantly. Traditionally, studies on patent value have focused on limited data availability restricted to a specific technology area using methods such as regression, and mostly using numeric and binary categoric data types. We propose the definition for intellectual property intelligence (IPI) as the data science of analysing large amount of IP information, specifically patent data, with artificial intelligence (AI) methodologies to discover relationships and trends in the data for decision making. With the rise of AI and the ability to analyse larger datasets of patents, we develop an AI deep learning methodology for the valuation of patents. To do that, we build a large USPTO dataset consisting of all granted patents from 1976-2019: (i) we collect, clean, collate and pre-process all the data from the USPTO (and the OECD patent quality indicators database); (ii) we transform the data into numeric, categoric, and text features so that we are able to input them to the deep learning model. More specifically, we transform the text (abstract, claims, summary, title) into feature vectors using our developed Doc2Vec vector space model (VSM), that we assess using the t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (t-SNE) visualisation. The dataset is made publicly available for researchers to efficiently and effectively run fairly complex data analysis. We propose an AI deep learning methodology for the valuation of patents to identify valuable patents. Using our developed dataset, we build AI deep learning models, which are based on deep and wide feed-forward artificial neural networks (ANN), with dropout, L2 penalty and batch normalisation regularisation layers, to forecast the value of patents with 12 ex-post patent value output proxies. These include the grant_lag, generality, quality_index_4, and forward citations, generality_index and renewals in three time horizons (t4, t8, t12). We associate these patent value proxies to their respective patent value dimension (economic, strategic and technological). We forecast patent value using ex-ante patent value input determinants, for a wide range of technological areas (using the IPC classes), and time horizon domains (short term in t4, medium term in t8, and long term in t12). We evaluate all our models using a variety of strategies (out-of-time test, out-of-sample test, k-Fold and random split cross validation), and transparently report all metrics (accuracy, confusion matrix, F1-score, false negative rate, log loss, mean absolute error, precision, recall). Our models have higher accuracy and macro average F1-scores, with low values for the training and validation losses compared to prior art. With increasing prediction horizons, we observe an increase in the macro average F1-scores for several of the proxies. In addition, we find that the composite index that takes into consideration more than one value dimension, has the combined highest accuracy and macro average F1-score, relative to single value dimension patent proxies. Moreover, we find that firms seem to file widely at the short term time horizon and then focus their technological competencies to established opportunities. Patent owners seem to renew their patents in the fear of losing out. Our study has moved away from relatively small datasets, limited to specific technology field, and allowed for reproducibility in other fields. We can tailor models to different technology area, with different patent value proxies, with different time horizons. This study proposes an AI methodology, which is based on deep learning, using deep and wide feed forward artificial neural networks, to predict the value of patents, which has academic and industrial implications. We predict the value of patents with a variety of output proxies, including composite index proxies, for different technology areas (IPC classifications) and time horizons. Since we use all USPTO granted patents from 1976-2019 to train our models, we can apply this approach to patents in any technology field. Our approach enables researchers and industry professionals to value patents using a variety of patent value proxies, based on different value dimensions, tailored to specific technology areas. The proposed AI deep learning approach could effectively support expert decision making (technology, innovation and IP managers etc.) in their decision making by providing fast, low cost, data-driven intellectual property intelligence (IPI) from big patent data. Firms with limited resources, i.e. small-medium enterprises (SMEs) can choose representative proxies to forecast patent value estimates, saving resources. Consequently, the proposed approach could efficiently support experts in their patent value judgement, policy making in the government’s investments in technological sectors of the future to support the economy, and patent offices with the AI approaches to analyse efficiently and effectively big patent data. We anticipate this research would be interesting for future researchers to expand the emerging field of IPI research and the skills they will need to perform IPI data-driven research with a variety of data sources and AI deep learning ANN approaches.


PatentMatch: A Dataset For Matching Patent Claims & Prior Art


Julian Risch, Nicolas Alder, Christoph Hewel, Ralf Krestel

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University of Potsdam, BETTEN & RESCH




Patent examiners need to solve a complex information retrieval task when they assess the novelty and inventive step of claims made in a patent application. Given a claim, they search for prior art, which comprises all relevant publicly available information. This time-consuming task requires a deep understanding of the respective technical domain and the patent-domain-specific language. For these reasons, we address the computer-assisted search for prior art by creating a training dataset for supervised machine learning called PatentMatch. It contains pairs of claims from patent applications and semantically corresponding text passages of different degrees from cited patent documents. Each pair has been labeled by technically-skilled patent examiners from the European Patent Office. Accordingly, the label indicates the degree of semantic correspondence (matching), i.e., whether the text passage is prejudicial to the novelty of the claimed invention or not. Preliminary experiments using a baseline system show that PatentMatch can indeed be used for training a binary text pair classifier on this challenging information retrieval task. The dataset is available online:


Prior Art Search Using Multi-modal Embedding Of Patent Documents


Myungchul Kang, Suan Lee, Wookey Lee

Year of Publishing


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Inha University




Due to the limitations of the existing prior art search methods, a new patent search paradigm can be innovated by the concepts based on a precise patent document embedding, and a real-time feedback. These concepts can be achieved by the following ideas. The latest language model BERT can be incorporated with the description drawing embedding so that the explorable user interactive model can be adopted to the patent domain for “Building an artificial intelligent patent search system.” Therefore, these methodologies mainly with the help of deep learning can solve the traditional labor-intensive and time-consuming prior art search.


Patent Prior Art Search Using Deep Learning Language Model


Dylan Myungchul Kang, Charles Cheolgi Lee, Suan Lee, Wookey Lee

Year of Publishing


Published On



Inha University, VOICE AI Institute, 




A patent is one of the essential indicators of new technologies and business processes, which becomes the main driving force of the companies and even the national competitiveness as well, that has recently been submitted and exploited in a large scale of quantities of information sources. Since the number of patent processing personnel, however, can hardly keep up with the increasing number of patents, and thus may have been worried about from deteriorating the quality of examinations. In this regard, the advancement of deep learning for the language processing capabilities has been developed significantly so that the prior art search by the deep learning models also can be accomplished for the labor-intensive and expensive patent document search tasks. The prior art search requires differentiation tasks, usually with the sheer volume of relevant documents; thus, the recall is much more important than the precision, which is the primary difference from the conventional search engines. This paper addressed a method to effectively handle the patent documents using BERT, one of the major deep learning-based language models. We proved through experiments that our model had outperformed the conventional approaches and the combinations of the key components with the recall value of up to ‘94.29%’ from the real patent dataset.


Construction And Evaluation Of Gold Standards For Patent Classification—A Case Study On Quantum Computing


Steve Harris, Anthony Trippe, David Challis, Nigel Swycher

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Aistemos Ltd, Patinformatics LLC




This article discusses options for evaluation of patent and/or patent family classification algorithms by means of “gold standards”. It covers the creation criteria, and desirable attributes of evaluation mechanisms, then proposes an example gold standard, and discusses the results of applying the evaluation mechanism against the proposed gold standard and an existing commercial implementation.


Research On Classification And Similarity Of Patent Citation Based On Deep Learning 


Yonghe Lu, Xin Xiong, Weiting Zhang, Jiaxin Liu, Ruijie Zhao 

Year of Publishing


Published On



Sun Yat-sen University




This paper proposes a patent citation classification model based on deep learning, and collects the patent datasets in text analysis and communication area from Google patent database to evaluate the classification effect of the model. At the same time, considering the technical relevance between the examiners’ citations and the pending patent, this paper proposes a hypothesis to take the output value of the model as the technology similarity of two patents. The rationality of the hypothesis is verified from the perspective of machine statistics and manual spot check. The experimental results show that the model effect based on deep learning proposed in this paper is significantly better than the traditional text representation and classification method, while having higher robustness than the method combining Doc2vec and traditional classification technology. In addition, we compare between the proposed method based on deep learning and the traditional similarity method by a triple verification. It shows that the proposed method is more accurate in calculating technology similarity of patents. And the results of manual sampling show that it is reasonable to use the output value of the proposed model to represent the technology similarity of patents.


Using AI To Analyze Patent Claim Indefiniteness 


Dean Alderucci, Kevin Ashley

Year of Publishing


Published On

Indiana University Repository


Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh




We describe how to use artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to partially automate a type of legal analysis, determining whether a patent claim satisfies the definiteness requirement. Although fully automating such a high-level cognitive task is well beyond state-of-the-art AI, we show that AI can nevertheless assist the decision maker in making this determination. Specifically, the use of custom AI technology can aid the decision maker by (1) mining patent text to rapidly bring relevant information to the decision maker’s attention, and (2) suggesting simple inferences that can be drawn from that information.

We begin by summarizing the law related to patent claim indefiniteness. A summary of existing case law allows us to identify the types of information that can be relevant to the legal determination of indefiniteness. This in turn guides us in designing AI software that processes a patent’s text to extract information that can be relevant to the legal analysis of indefiniteness. Some types of relevant information include whether terms in a claim are defined in the patent, whether terms in a claim are not mentioned in the patent’s specification, whether the claim includes nonstandard terms coined by the drafter of the patent, whether the claim relies on vaguely-specified measurements, and whether the patent’s specification discloses structure corresponding to a means-plus-function limitation

The AI software rapidly processes a patent’s text and identifies information that is relevant to the legal analysis. The software then provides the human decision maker with this information as well as simple metrics and inferences, such as the percentage of claim terms that are defined explicitly or by example, and whether terms that are coined by the drafter should be defined or renamed. This can provide the user with insights about a patent much faster than if the user read the entirety of the patent to locate the same information unaided.

Moreover, the software can aggregate the various types of information to “score” a claim (e.g., from 0 to 100) based on its risk of being deemed indefinite. For example, a claim containing only defined terms and lacking any vague measurements would score much lower in terms of risk than a claim with terms that are not only undefined but do not even appear in the patent’s specification. Once each claim in a patent is assigned such an indefiniteness score, the patent itself can be given an overall indefiniteness score.

Scoring groups of patents in this manner has further advantages even if the scores are blunt measurements. AI software ranks a group of patents (e.g., all patents owned by a company) by indefiniteness scores. This allows a very large set of patents to be quickly searched for patents that have the highest, or lowest, indefiniteness score. The results of such a search could be, e.g., the patents to target for detailed review in litigation, post-grant proceedings, or licensing negotiations. Finally, we present some considerations for refining and augmenting the proposed methods for partially automating the indefiniteness analysis, and more broadly other types of legal analysis.


Patent Document Clustering With Deep Embeddings


Jaeyoung Kim, Janghyeok Yoon, Eunjeong Park, Sungchul Choi  

Year of Publishing


Published On



Gachon University, Konkuk University




The analysis of scientific and technical documents is crucial in the process of establishing science and technology strategies. One popular method for such analysis is for field experts to manually classify each scientific or technical document into one of several predefined technical categories. However, not only is manual classification error-prone and expensive, but it also requires extended efforts to handle frequent data updates. In contrast, machine learning and text mining techniques enable cheaper and faster operations, and can alleviate the burden on human resources. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting embedded feature vectors by applying a neural embedding approach for text features in patent documents and automatically clustering the embedding features by utilizing a deep embedding clustering method.


Optimizing Neural Networks For Patent Classification


Louay Abdelgawad, Peter Kluegl, Erdan Genc, Stefan Falkner, Frank Hutter

Year of Publishing


Published On



Konkuk University, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, 




A great number of patents is filed everyday to the patent offices worldwide. Each of these patents has to be labeled by domain experts with one or many of thousands of categories. This process is not only extremely expensive but also overwhelming for the experts, due to the considerable increase of filed patents over the years and the increasing complexity of the hierarchical categorization structure. Therefore, it is critical to automate the manual classification process using a classification model. In this paper, the automation of the task is carried out based on recent advances in deep learning for NLP and compared to customized approaches. Moreover, an extensive optimization analysis grants insights about hyperparameter importance. Our optimized convolutional neural network achieves a new state-of-the-art performance of 55.02% accuracy on the public Wipo-Alpha dataset.


Engineering Knowledge Graph For Keyword Discovery In Patent Search 


Serhad Sarica, Binyang Song, En Low, Jianxi Luo

Year of Publishing


Published On

Cambridge Univeristy Press


Singapore University of Technology and Design




Patent retrieval and analytics have become common tasks in engineering design and innovation. Keyword-based search is the most common method and the core of integrative methods for patent retrieval. Often searchers intuitively choose keywords according to their knowledge on the search interest which may limit the coverage of the retrieval. Although one can identify additional keywords via reading patent texts from prior searches to refine the query terms heuristically, the process is tedious, time-consuming, and prone to human errors. In this paper, we propose a method to automate and augment the heuristic and iterative keyword discovery process. Specifically, we train a semantic engineering knowledge graph on the full patent database using natural language processing and semantic analysis, and use it as the basis to retrieve and rank the keywords contained in the retrieved patents. On this basis, searchers do not need to read patent texts but just select among the recommended keywords to expand their queries. The proposed method improves the completeness of the search keyword set and reduces the human effort for the same task.


A Novelty Detection Patent Mining Approach For Analyzing Technological Opportunities


Juite Wang, Yi-Jing Chen

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


National Chung Hsing University, 




Early opportunity identification is critical for technology-based firms seeking to develop technology or product strategies for competitive advantage in the future. This research develops a patent mining approach based on the novelty detection statistical technique to identify unusual patents that may provide a fresh idea for potential opportunities. A natural language processing technique, latent semantic analysis, is applied to extract hidden relations between words in patent documents for alleviating the vocabulary mismatch problem and reducing the cumbersome efforts of keyword selection by experts. The angle-based outlier detection method, a novelty detection statistical technique, is used to determine outlier patents that are distinct from the majority of collected patent documents in a high-dimensional data space. Finally, visualization tools are developed to analyze the identified outlier patents for exploring potential technological opportunities. The developed methodology is applied in the telehealth industry and research findings can help telehealth firms formulate their technology strategies.


TechNet: Technology Semantic Network Based On Pate


Serhad Sarica, Jianxi Luo, Kristin L. Wood

Year of Publishing


Published On



Singapore University of Technology and Design




The growing developments in general semantic networks, knowledge graphs and ontology databases have motivated us to build a large-scale comprehensive semantic network of technology-related data for engineering knowledge discovery, technology search and retrieval, and artificial intelligence for engineering design and innovation. Specially, we constructed a technology semantic network (TechNet) that covers the elemental concepts in all domains of technology and their semantic associations by mining the complete U.S. patent database from 1976. To derive the TechNet, natural language processing techniques were utilized to extract terms from massive patent texts and recent word embedding algorithms were employed to vectorize such terms and establish their semantic relationships. We report and evaluate the TechNet for retrieving terms and their pairwise relevance that is meaningful from a technology and engineering design perspective. The TechNet may serve as an infrastructure to support a wide range of applications, e.g., technical text summaries, search query predictions, relational knowledge discovery, and design ideation support, in the context of engineering and technology, and complement or enrich existing semantic databases. To enable such applications, the TechNet is made public via an online interface and APIs for public users to retrieve technologyrelated terms and their relevancies


Improving Chemical Named Entity Recognition In Patents With Contextualized Word Embeddings


Zenan Zhai, Dat Quoc Nguyen, Saber Akhondi, Camilo Thorne, Christian Druckenbrodt, Trevor Cohn, Michelle Gregory, Karin Verspoor

Year of Publishing


Published On

ACL Anthology


The University of Melbourne




Chemical patents are an important resource for chemical information. However, few chemical Named Entity Recognition (NER) systems have been evaluated on patent documents, due in part to their structural and linguistic complexity. In this paper, we explore the NER performance of a BiLSTM-CRF model utilising pre-trained word embeddings, character-level word representations and contextualized ELMo word representations for chemical patents. We compare word embeddings pre-trained on biomedical and chemical patent corpora. The effect of tokenizers optimized for the chemical domain on NER performance in chemical patents is also explored. The results on two patent corpora show that contextualized word representations generated from ELMo substantially improve chemical NER performance w.r.t. the current state-of-the-art. We also show that domain-specific resources such as word embeddings trained on chemical patents and chemical-specific tokenizers, have a positive impact on NER performance.


Automating The Search For A Patent’s Prior Art With A Full Text Similarity Search


Lea Helmers, Franziska Horn, Franziska Biegler, Tim Oppermann, Klaus-Robert Müller

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Published On



Technische Universität Berlin, Meinig & Partner, Korea University, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik




More than ever, technical inventions are the symbol of our society’s advance. Patents guarantee their creators protection against infringement. For an invention being patentable, its novelty and inventiveness have to be assessed. Therefore, a search for published work that describes similar inventions to a given patent application needs to be performed. Currently, this so-called search for prior art is executed with semi-automatically composed keyword queries, which is not only time consuming, but also prone to errors. In particular, errors may systematically arise by the fact that different keywords for the same technical concepts may exist across disciplines. In this paper, a novel approach is proposed, where the full text of a given patent application is compared to existing patents using machine learning and natural language processing techniques to automatically detect inventions that are similar to the one described in the submitted document. Various state-of-the-art approaches for feature extraction and document comparison are evaluated. In addition to that, the quality of the current search process is assessed based on ratings of a domain expert. The evaluation results show that our automated approach, besides accelerating the search process, also improves the search results for prior art with respect to their quality.


Patent Classification By Fine-Tuning BERT Language Model


Jieh-Sheng Lee, Jieh Hsiang

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Published On



National Taiwan University




In this work we focus on fine-tuning a pre-trained BERT model and applying it to patent classification. When applied to large datasets of over two millions patents, our approach outperforms the state of the art by an approach using CNN with word embeddings. In addition, we focus on patent claims without other parts in patent documents. Our contributions include: (1) a new state-of-the-art result based on pretrained BERT model and fine-tuning for patent classification, (2) a large dataset USPTO-3M at the CPC subclass level with SQL statements that can be used by future researchers, (3) showing that patent claims alone are sufficient for classification task, in contrast to conventional wisdom.


Automatic Pre-Search: An overview


Dominique Andlauer

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


European Patent Office




This paper describes the evolution of the EPO’s search tools over time and their envisaged revolution towards supporting a more or even fully automated search process. Regardless of whether the goal of fully automated search is achieved completely or only partially, the chosen approach will in any case bring about major improvements for both the EPO’s examiners and the prior art search community at large.


De-Noising Documents With A Novelty Detection Method Utilizing Class Vectors


Lee Younghoon, Cho Sungzoona, Choi Jinhaeb 

Year of Publishing


Published On

IOS Press


Seoul National University




The classification of customer-voice data is an important matter in real business since it is necessary for customer-voice data to be delivered to relevant departments and responsible individuals. Additionally, customer-voice data typically includes several novel words, such as typo’s, informal terms, or exceedingly general words to discriminate between categories of customer-voice data. Furthermore, noisy data often has a negative effect on the classification task. In this study, advanced novelty detection method is proposed to utilize class vector that possessed high cosine similarity with words to effectively discriminate between classes. The class vector is considered as the centroid or the mean of each word vector distribution as derived from the neural embedding model, and the novelty score of each word is calculated and novel words are effectively detected. Each novelty score is calculated by improvements of GMM and KMC methods utilizing a class vector. The experiments verify the propriety of the proposed method with qualitative observations, and the application of the proposed method with quantitative experiments verifies the representational effectiveness and classification performance of customer-voice data. The experiment results indicate that the performance of a classification of customer-voice data improved with the application of the newly proposed novelty detection method in this study.


DeepPatent: Patent Classification With Convolutional Neural Networks And Word Embedding


Shaobo Li, Jie Hu, Yuxin Cui, Jianjun Hu 

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Guizhou University, University of South Carolina




Patent classification is an essential task in patent information management and patent knowledge mining. However, this task is still largely done manually due to the unsatisfactory performance of current algorithms. Recently, deep learning methods such as convolutional neural networks (CNN) have led to great progress in image processing, voice recognition, and speech recognition, which has yet to be applied to patent classification. We proposed DeepPatent, a deep learning algorithm for patent classification based on CNN and word vector embedding. We evaluated the algorithm on the standard patent classification benchmark dataset CLEF-IP and compared it with other algorithms in the CLEF-IP competition. Experiments showed that DeepPatent with automatic feature extraction achieved a classification precision of 83.98%, which outperformed all the existing algorithms that used the same information for training. Its performance is better than the state-of-art patent classifier with a precision of 83.50%, whose performance is, however, based on 4000 characters from the description section and a lot of feature engineering while DeepPatent only used the title and abstract information. DeepPatent is further tested on USPTO-2M, a patent classification benchmark data set that we contributed with 2,000,147 records after data cleaning of 2,679,443 USA raw utility patent documents in 637 categories at the subclass level. Our algorithms achieved a precision of 73.88%.


A Hierarchical Feature Extraction Model For Multi-Label Mechanical Patent Classification


Jie Hu, Shaobo Li, Jianjun Hu, Guanci Yang

Year of Publishing


Published On



Guizhou University, University of South Carolina




Various studies have focused on feature extraction methods for automatic patent classification in recent years. However, most of these approaches are based on the knowledge from experts in related domains. Here we propose a hierarchical feature extraction model (HFEM) for multi-label mechanical patent classification, which is able to capture both local features of phrases as well as global and temporal semantics. First, a n-gram feature extractor based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is designed to extract salient local lexical-level features. Next, a long dependency feature extraction model based on the bidirectional long–short-term memory (BiLSTM) neural network model is proposed to capture sequential correlations from higher-level sequence representations. Then the HFEM algorithm and its hierarchical feature extraction architecture are detailed. We establish the training, validation and test datasets, containing 72,532, 18,133, and 2679 mechanical patent documents, respectively, and then check the performance of HFEMs. Finally, we compared the results of the proposed HFEM and three other single neural network models, namely CNN, long–short-term memory (LSTM), and BiLSTM. The experimental results indicate that our proposed HFEM outperforms the other compared models in both precision and recall.


Automated Patent Landscaping


Aaron Abood, Dave Feltenberger   

Year of Publishing


Published On



Google Inc




Patent landscaping is the process of finding patents related to a particular topic. It is important for companies, investors, governments, and academics seeking to gauge innovation and assess risk. However, there is no broadly recognized best approach to landscaping. Frequently, patent landscaping is a bespoke human-driven process that relies heavily on complex queries over bibliographic patent databases. In this paper, we present Automated Patent Landscaping, an approach that jointly leverages human domain expertise, heuristics based on patent metadata, and machine learning to generate high-quality patent landscapes with minimal effort. In particular, this paper describes a flexible automated methodology to construct a patent landscape for a topic based on an initial seed set of patents. This approach takes human-selected seed patents that are representative of a topic, such as operating systems, and uses structure inherent in patent data such as references and class codes to “expand” the seed set to a set of “probably-related” patents and anti-seed “probably-unrelated” patents. The expanded set of patents is then pruned with a semi-supervised machine learning model trained on seed and anti-seed patents. This removes patents from the expanded set that are unrelated to the topic and ensures a comprehensive and accurate landscape.


User Interface For Managing And Refining Related Patent Terms


Girish Showkatramani, Arthi Krishna, Ye Jin, Aaron Pepe, Naresh Nula, Greg Gabel

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Published On



United States Patent and Trademark Office




One of the crucial aspects of the patent examination process is assessing the patentability of an invention by performing extensive keyword-based searches to identify related existing inventions (or lack thereof). The expertise of identifying the most effective keywords is a critical skill and time-intensive step in the examination process. Recently, word embedding techniques have demonstrated value in identifying related words. In word embedding, the vector representation of an individual word is computed based on its context, and so words with similar meaning exhibit similar vector representation. Using a number of alternate data sources and word embedding techniques we are able to generate a variety of word embedding models. For example, we initially clustered patent data based on the different areas of interests such as Computer Architecture or Biology, and used this data to train Word2Vec and fastText models. Even though the generated word embedding models were reliable and scalable, none of the models by itself was sophisticated enough to match an experts choice of keywords.

In this study, we have developed a user interface that allows domain experts to quickly evaluate several word embedding models and curate a more sophisticated set of related patent terms by combining results from several models or in some cases even augmenting to them by hand. Our application thereby seeks to provide a functional and usable centralized interface towards searching and identifying related terms in the patent domain.


Supervised Approaches To Assign Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) Codes To Patents


Tung Tran, Ramakanth Kavuluru

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University of Kentucky




This paper re-introduces the problem of patent classification with respect to the new Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) system. CPC has replaced the U.S. Patent Classification (USPC) coding system as the official patent classification system in 2013. We frame patent classification as a multi-label text classification problem in which the prediction for a test document is a set of labels and success is measured based on the micro-F1 measure. We propose a supervised classification system that exploits the hierarchical taxonomy of CPC as well as the citation records of a test patent; we also propose various label ranking and cut-off (calibration) methods as part of the system pipeline. To evaluate the system, we conducted experiments on U.S. patents released in 2010 and 2011 for over 600 labels that correspond to the “subclasses” at the third level in the CPC hierarchy. The best variant of our model achieves ≈ 70% in micro-F1 score and the results are statistically significant. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first effort to reinitiate the automated patent classification task under the new CPC coding scheme. 


Patents Images Retrieval And Convolutional Neural Network Training Dataset Quality Improvement


Alla Kravets, Nikita Lebedev, Maxim Legenchenko 

Year of Publishing


Published On

Atlantis Press


Volgograd State Technical University




The paper considers the problem of the analysis of patents’ figures for formalization of subjective opinions of the patent office experts that reviews applications for inventions. Drawings omission may indicate an incomplete description of the invention and entail the rejection of patent applications and other problems. Since patent images, even if one considers images of the same type, class, etc., are unique, different from each other. Nowadays for image processing are applied neural networks with different architectures. Neural network, Convolutional neural network, Siamese neural network were considered in the research. 4 libraries (Theano, TensorFlow, Caffe, and Keras) were studied. The main contributions of the paper are the new classification of patents’ imaged, training dataset formation and quality improvement approach, and the software implementation for CNN training.


An Initial Study Of Anchor Selection In Patent Link Discovery


Dilesha Seneviratne, Shlomo Geva, Guido Zuccon, Andrew Trotman

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Published On

University of Otago


Queensland University of Technology, University of Otago




Patents are a source of technical knowledge, but often difficult to understand. Technological solutions that would help understand the knowledge expressed in patents can assist the creation of new knowledge, and inventions. This paper explores anchor text selection for linking patents to external knowledge sources such as web pages and prior patents. While link discovery has been investigated in other domains, e.g., Wikipedia and the medical domain, the application of linking patents has received little attention and it presents some unique challenges as this paper shows. The paper contributes: (1) a test collection investigating the identification of anchor text (entities) in patent link discovery, (2) a user experiment studying the selection of anchors by users, and (3) an evaluation of four popular unsupervised keyword ranking methods (TFIDF, BM25, Keyphraseness, Termex) to identify potential anchors to link


A Literature Review On Patent Information Retrieval Techniques


Alok Khode, Sagar Jambhorkar

Year of Publishing


Published On

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Symbiosis International University, National Defense Academy




Patents are critical intellectual assets for any competitive business. They can prove to be a gold mine if retrieved, analyzed and utilized appropriately. Patentability search is an important step in the patent process and missing out any relevant patent may cause expensive legal consequences. As worldwide patent collection is growing rapidly, retrieval of this enormous knowledge source has become complex and exhaustive. This paper attempts to review the studies carried out in enhancing the relevance effectiveness of patent information retrieval. Method/Analysis: Literature review presents various research works that have been carried out to yield better results in patent retrieval task by refining existing information retrieval techniques or by using standard approaches at the various stages of the patent retrieval task. This work exclusively looks at literatures dealing with retrieval of patent text. Findings: Patent retrieval is not a completely solved research domain and general information retrieval approaches do not prove effective in this domain as patents are special documents posing various retrieval challenges. The review also highlights future research directions and will help researchers working in the domain of patent retrieval. Application/Improvement: Considering the various techniques and frameworks available and their limitations, there is a lot of scope in the field of patent retrieval techniques which makes room for further research to be taken up in this domain.


Examiner Assisted Automated Patents Search


Arthi Krishna, Brian Feldman, Joseph Wolf, Greg Gabel, Scott Beliveau, Thomas Beach

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United States Patent And Trademark Office




One of the most crucial and knowledge-intenstive steps of patent examination is the determination of prior art- evidence that the idea claimed by a patent is already known. Automated prior art retrieval algorithms, if effective, can assist expert examiners by identifying literature that would otherwise take substantial research to uncover. Our approach is to build a patent search algorithm which functions as a cognitive assistant to the patent searcher. Contrary to the approach of treating the search algorithm as a black box, all componetnts of the seach algorithm are explained, and these components expose controls that can be adjusted by the user. This level of transparency and interactivity of the algorithm not only enables the experts to get the best use of the tool, but also is crucial in gaining the trust of the users. In this paper we discuss the engineering of the cognitive assistant search tool, referred to as Sigma, and the various interactions it affords the users. The tool is currently being piloted to patent examiners in the unit 2427.


User Interface For Customizing Patents Search: An Exploratory Study


Arthi Krishna, Brian Feldman, Joseph Wolf, Greg Gabel, Scott Beliveau, Thomas Beach

Year of Publishing


Published On



United States Patent and Trademark Office




Prior art searching is a critical and knowledge-intensive step in the examination process of a patent application. Historically, the approach to automated prior art searching is to determine a few keywords from the patent application and, based on simple text frequency matching of these keywords, retrieve published applications and patents. Several emerging techniques show promise to increase the accuracy of automated searching, including analysis of: named entity extraction, explanations of how patents are classified, relationships between references cited by the examiner, weighing words found in some sections of the patent application differently than others, and lastly using the examiners’ domain knowledge such as synonyms. These techniques are explored in this study. Our approach is firstly, to design a user interface that leverages the above-mentioned processing techniques for the user and secondly, to provide visual cues that can guide examiner to fine tune search algorithms. The user interface displays a number of controls that affect the behavior of the underlying search algorithm—a tag cloud of the top keywords used to retrieve patents, sliders for weights on the different sections of a patent application (e.g., abstract, claims, title or specification), and a list of synonyms and stop-words. Users are provided with visual icons that give quick indication of the quality of the results, such as whether the results share a feature with the patent-at-issue, such as both citing to the same reference or having a common classification. This exploratory study shows results of seven variations of the search algorithm on a test corpus of 100500 patent documents.


On Term Selection Techniques For Patent Prior Art Search


Mona Golestan Far

Year of Publishing


Published On

Australian National University


The Australian National University




A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor to protect his invention for a limited period of time. Patent prior art search involves finding previously granted patents, scientific articles, product descriptions, or any other published work that may be relevant to a new patent application. Many well-known information retrieval (IR) techniques (e.g., typical query expansion methods), which are proven effective for ad hoc search, are unsuccessful for patent prior art search. In this thesis, we mainly investigate the reasons that generic IR techniques are not effective for prior art search on the CLEF-IP test collection. First, we analyse the errors caused due to data curation and experimental settings like applying International Patent Classification codes assigned to the patent topics to filter the search results. Then, we investigate the influence of term selection on retrieval performance on the CLEF-IP prior art test collection, starting with the description section of the reference patent and using language models (LM) and BM25 scoring functions. We find that an oracular relevance feedback system, which extracts terms from the judged relevant documents far outperforms the baseline (i.e., 0.11 vs. 0.48) and performs twice as well on mean average precision (MAP) as the best participant in CLEF-IP 2010 (i.e., 0.22 vs. 0.48). We find a very clear term selection value threshold for use when choosing terms. We also notice that most of the useful feedback terms are actually present in the original query and hypothesise that the baseline system can be substantially improved by removing negative query terms. We try four simple automated approaches to identify negative terms for query reduction but we are unable to improve on the baseline performance with any of them. However, we show that a simple, minimal feedback interactive approach, where terms are selected from only the first retrieved relevant document outperforms the best result from CLEF-IP 2010, suggesting the promise of interactive methods for term selection in patent prior art search.


A Study Of Query Reformulation For Patent Prior Art Search With Partial Patent Applications


Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Scott Sanner, Gabriela Ferraro

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University of Montpellier, ‡Oregon State University




Patents are used by legal entities to legally protect their inventions and represent a multi-billion dollar industry of licensing and litigation. In 2014, 326,033 patent applications were approved in the US alone – a number that has doubled in the past 15 years and which makes prior art search a daunting, but necessary task in the patent application process. In this work, we seek to investigate the efficacy of prior art search strategies from the perspective of the inventor who wishes to assess the patentability of their ideas prior to writing a full application. While much of the literature inspired by the evaluation framework of the CLEF-IP competition has aimed to assist patent examiners in assessing prior art for complete patent applications, less of this work has focused on patent search with queries representing partial applications. In the (partial) patent search setting, a query is often much longer than in other standard IR tasks, e.g., the description section may contain hundreds or even thousands of words. While the length of such queries may suggest query reduction strategies to remove irrelevant terms, intentional obfuscation and general language used in patents suggests that it may help to expand queries with additionally relevant terms. To assess the trade-offs among all of these pre-application prior art search strategies, we comparatively evaluate a variety of partial application search and query reformulation methods. Among numerous findings, querying with a full description, perhaps in conjunction with generic (non-patent specific) query reduction methods, is recommended for best performance. However, we also find that querying with an abstract represents the best trade-off in terms of writing effort vs. retrieval efficacy (i.e., querying with the description sections only lead to marginal improvements) and that for such relatively short queries, generic query expansion methods help


Novelty-Focused Patent Mapping For Technology Opportunity Analysis


Changyong Lee, Bokyoung Kang, Juneseuk Shin

Year of Publishing


Published On

Science Direct


Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University




Patent maps are an effective means of discovering potential technology opportunities. However, this method has been of limited use in practice since defining and interpreting patent vacancies, as surrogates for potential technology opportunities, tend to be intuitive and ambiguous. As a remedy, we propose an approach to detecting novel patents based on systematic processes and quantitative outcomes. At the heart of the proposed approach is the text mining to extract the patterns of word usage and the local outlier factor to measure the degree of novelty in a numerical scale. The meanings of potential technology opportunities become more explicit by identifying novel patents rather than patent vacancies that are usually represented as a simple set of keywords. Finally, a novelty-focused patent identification map is developed to explore the implications on novel patents. A case study of the patents about thermal management technology of light emitting diode (LED) is exemplified. We believe the proposed approach could be employed in various research areas, serving as a starting point for developing more general models.


A Survey Of Automated Hierarchical Classification Of Patents


Juan Carlos Gomez, Marie-Francine Moens

Year of Publishing


Published On

KU Leuven


KU Leuven




In this era of “big data”, hundreds or even thousands of patent applications arrive every day to patent offices around the world. One of the first tasks of the professional analysts in patent offices is to assign classification codes to those patents based on their content. Such classification codes are usually organized in hierarchical structures of concepts. Traditionally the classification task has been done manually by professional experts. However, given the large amount of documents, the patent professionals are becoming overwhelmed. If we add that the hierarchical structures of classification are very complex (containing thousands of categories), reliable, fast and scalable methods and algorithms are needed to help the experts in patent classification tasks. This chapter describes, analyzes and reviews systems that, based on the textual content of patents, automatically classify such patents into a hierarchy of categories. This chapter focuses specially in the patent classification task applied for the International Patent Classification (IPC) hierarchy. The IPC is the most used classification structure to organize patents, it is world-wide recognized, and several other structures use or are based on it to ensure office inter-operability.


A Hybrid Patent Prior Art Retrieval Approach Using Claim Structure And Description


Fu-Ren Lin, Ke-Ren Chen, Szu-Yin Lin

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Published On



National Tsing Hua University, Chung Yuan Christian University




In the highly competitive business environment, companies use patents as the intellectual asset to gain strategic competiveness. Patent prior art retrieval is a nontrivial task for invalidity and patentability search, which could help enterprises to plan their R&D strategies, patent portfolio, and avoid patent infringement issues in the future. This study adopts an efficient and effective hybrid patent prior art retrieval approach using claim structure and patent description to enhance prior art retrieval performance in terms of recall rate and exam the robustness through performing experiments in a large dataset. We obtained the best result by combining the information of claim structure and top 70 % sentences in description. We have achieved the competitive result in terms of raising the recall rate with the proposed hybrid approach, which also demonstrated the usefulness of including claim structure into patent prior art retrieval system.


Identifying Technological Opportunities Using The Novelty Detection Technique: A Case Of Laser Technology In Semiconductor Manufacturing


Youngjung Geum, Jeonghwan Jeon, Hyeonju Seol

Year of Publishing


Published On

Taylor & Francis Online


Seoul National University, Korea Air Force Academy




While identification of technological opportunities has received considerable attention, previous studies have some weaknesses in terms of subjectivity when finding the opportunities in practical terms. This paper proposes a systematic framework to identify technological opportunities, focusing on objective evidences which are specific and practical to be used in a business environment. To do this, we used patents as a source and employed a novelty detection technique whose primary object is detecting the novel pattern. To begin with, the patents are collected from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) database. These patents are then pre-processed into a structured keyword vector that can represent the characteristics of each patent. These keyword vectors are then used to analyse the new and emerging pattern, using the novelty detection technique. As the final step, the results are analysed to identify the technological opportunities. A case study on laser technology in lithography is presented to show the proposed framework.


An Ontology-Based Automatic Semantic Annotation Approach For Patent Document Retrieval In Product Innovation Design


Feng Wang, Lan Fen Lin, Zhou Yang

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Published On



Zhejiang University




Patent retrieval plays a very important role in product innovation design. However, current patent retrieval approaches lack semantic comprehension and association, and usually cannot capture the implicit useful knowledge at a semantic level. In order to improve the traditional patent search, this paper proposes a novel ontology-based automatic semantic annotation approach based on the thorough analysis of patent documents, which combines both structure and content characteristics, and integrates multiple techniques from various aspects. Multilayer semantic model is established to realize unified semantic representation. The approach first utilizes template schemes to extract the structure information from patent documents, and then identifies semantics of entities and relations between entities from the content based on natural language processing techniques and domain knowledge, and at last employs a heuristic pattern learning method to abstract patent technical features. Case study is provided to show that our approach can acquire multi-level patent semantic knowledge from multiple perspectives, and discover semantic correlations between patent documents, which can further promote the accurate patent semantic retrieval effectively.


Recommending Patents Based On Latent Topics


Ralf Krestel, Padhraic Smyth

Year of Publishing


Published On

Research Gate


Leibniz Information Centre for Economics




The availability of large volumes of granted patents and applications, all publicly available on the Web, enables the use of sophisticated text mining and information retrieval methods to facilitate access and analysis of patents. In this paper we investigate techniques to automatically recommend patents given a query patent. This task is critical for a variety of patent-related analysis problems such as finding relevant citations, research of relevant prior art, and infringement analysis. We investigate the use of latent Dirichlet allocation and Dirichlet multinomial regression to represent patent documents and to compute similarity scores. We compare our methods with state-of-the-art document representations and retrieval techniques and demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a collection of US patent publications.


A New Instrument For Technology Monitoring: Novelty In Patents Measured By Semantic Patent Analysis


Jan M. Gerken, Martin G. Moehrle

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Published On



University of Bremen




Given that in terms of technology novel inventions are crucial factors for companies; this article contributes to the identification of inventions of high novelty in patent data. As companies are confronted with an information overflow, and having patents reviewed by experts is a time-consuming task, we introduce a new approach to the identification of inventions of high novelty: a specific form of semantic patent analysis. Subsequent to the introduction of the concept of novelty in patents, the classical method of semantic patent analysis will be adapted to support novelty measurement. By means of a case study from the automotive industry, we corroborate that semantic patent analysis is able to outperform available methods for the identification of inventions of high novelty. Accordingly, semantic patent information possesses the potential to enhance technology monitoring while reducing both costs and uncertainty in the identification of inventions of high novelty.


Automatic IPC Encoding And Novelty Tracking For Effective

patent mining


Douglas Teodoro, Emilie Pasche, Dina Vishnyakova, Christian Lovis, Julien Gobeill, Patrick Ruch

Year of Publishing


Published On



University of Geneva, University of Applied Sciences




Accurate classification of patent documents according to the IPC system is vital for the interoperability between different patent offices and for the prior art search task involved in a patent application procedure. It is essential for companies and governments to track changes in technology in order to asses their investments and create new branches of novel solutions. In this paper, we present our experiments from the NTCIR-8 challenge to automate paper abstract classification into the IPC taxonomy and to create a technical trend map from it. We apply the k-NN algorithm in the classification process and manipulate the rank of the nearest neighbours to enhance our results. The technical trend map is created by detecting technologies and their effects passages in paper and patent abstracts. A CRF-based system enriched with handcrafted rules is used to detect technology, effect, attribute and value phrases in the abstracts. Our experiments use multi patent databases for training the system and paper abstracts as well as patent applications for testing purposes, thus characterising a cross database and cross genre task. In the subtask of Research Papers Classification, we achieve a MAP of 0.68, 0.50 and 0.30 for the English and 0.71, 0.50 and 0.30 for the J2E subclass, main group and subgroup classifiers respectively. In the Technical Trend Map Creation subtask, we achieve an F-score of 0.138 when detecting technology/effect elements in patent abstracts and 0.141 in paper abstracts. Our methodology provides competitive results for the state of the art, with the majority of our official runs being ranked within the top two for both trend map (papers) and IPC coding. That said we see room for improvements especially in the detection of technologies and attributes elements in abstracts. Finally, we believe that the subtask of Technical Trend Map Creation needs to be adjusted in order to better produce a patent map. The classification system is available online at


A KNN Research Paper Classification Method Based On Shared Nearest Neighbor 


Yun-lei Cai, Duo Ji ,Dong-feng Cai

Year of Publishing


Published On

NII Japan


Shenyang Institute of Aeronautical Engineering,




The patents cover almost all the latest, the most active innovative technical information in technical fields, therefore patent classification has great application value in the patent research domain. This paper presents a KNN text categorization method based on shared nearest neighbor, effectively combining the BM25 similarity calculation method and the Neighborhood Information of samples. The effectiveness of this method has been fully verified in the NTCIR-8 Patent Classification evaluation.


Exploring Contextual Models In Chemical Patent Search


Jay Urbain, Ophir Frieder

Year of Publishing


Published On

Research Gate


Milwaukee School of Engineering, Georgetown University




We explore the development of probabilistic retrieval models for integrating term statistics with entity search using multiple levels of document context to improve the performance of chemical patent search. A distributed indexing model was developed to enable efficient named entity search and aggregation of term statistics at multiple levels of patent structure including individual words, sentences, claims, descriptions, abstracts, and titles. The system can be scaled to an arbitrary number of compute instances in a cloud computing environment to support concurrent indexing and query processing operations on large patent collections. The query processing algorithm for patent prior art search uses information extraction techniques to identify candidate entities and distinctive terms from the query patent’s title, abstract, description, and claim sections. Structured queries integrating terms and entities in context are automatically generated to test the validity of each section of potentially relevant patents. The system was deployed across 15 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances to support efficient indexing and query processing of the relatively large 100G+ collection of chemical patent documents. We evaluated several retrieval models for integrating statistics of candidate entities with term statistics at multiple levels of patent structure to identify relevant patents for prior art search. Our top performing retrieval model integrating contextual evidence from multiple levels of patent structure resulted in bpref measurements of 0.8929 for the prior art search task, exceeding the top results reported from the 2009 TREC Chemistry track.


Improving Retrievability Of Patents In Prior-Art Search


Shariq Bashir, Andreas Rauber

Year of Publishing


Published On

Vienna University of Technology


Vienna University of Technology




Prior-art search is an important task in patent retrieval. The success of this task relies upon the selection of relevant search queries. Typically terms for prior-art queries are extracted from the claim fields of query patents. However, due to the complex technical structure of patents, and presence of terms mismatch and vague terms, selecting relevant terms for queries is a difficult task. During evaluating the patents retrievability coverage of prior-art queries generated from query patents, a large bias toward a subset of the collection is experienced. A large number of patents either have a very low retrievability score or can not be discovered via any query. To increase the retrievability of patents, in this paper we expand prior-art queries generated from query patents using query expansion with pseudo relevance feedback. Missing terms from query patents are discovered from feedback patents, and better patents for relevance feedback are identified using a novel approach for checking their similarity with query patents. We specifically focus on how to automatically select better terms from query patents based on their proximity distribution with prior-art queries that are used as features for computing similarity. Our results show, that the coverage of prior-art queries can be increased significantly by incorporating relevant queries terms using query expansion.


Experiments On Patent Retrieval At NTCIR-4 Workshop


Hironori Takeuchi, Naohiko Uramoto, Koichi Takeda

Year of Publishing


Published On

NII Japan


Tokyo Research Laboratory, National Institute of Informatics 




In the Patent Retrieval Task in NTCIR-4 Workshop, the search topic is the claim in a patent document, so we use the claim text and the IPC information for the similarity calculations between the search topic and each patent document in the collection. We examined the effectiveness of the similarity measure between IPCs and the term weighting for the occurrence positions of the keyword attributes in the search topic. As a result, it was found that the search results are slightly improved by considering not just the text in the search topic but also the hierarchical structural information of the IPCs. In contrast, the term frequencies for the occurrence position of the attribute did not improve the retrieval result.

The above list covers the published papers in the field of AI-based patent search. We hope that it assists you in your ongoing research in creating such AI-based patent search engines. Bookmark this page to have the list handy for future reference.


We at PQAI (Patent Quality Artificial Intelligence) are working to create an open-source AI-based library of patent tools to accelerate innovation and improve patent quality. One of our efforts is PQAI’s AI-based prior-art search tool, a collaborative initiative that drives diversity and inclusion by creating a level-playing field for all researchers in terms of prior-art searches. Currently, only big corporations and patent offices have adequate resources for these exhaustive searches. However, PQAI is democratizing the process by allowing zero-budget prior-art checks. We are a non-profit organization and firmly believe in transparency and user privacy. We do not store your data or search queries on our servers unless you specifically ask to do so for future reference.


PQAI is always looking for talented minds to help with our initiative. Get involved with us if you want to collaborate, have questions, or just want to say hi.

If you are a researcher working with patent data, you can also check out PQAI’s Researcher Page. You can use our open-source libraries, AI models and datasets to accelerate your work. You are also always invited to contribute to PQAI to help the research community in the field of AI-based patent search.

How AI Can Help Identify Companies for Patent Licensing or Synergistic Collaboration

Using AI to Help Identify Companies for Patent Licensing

With the increase of filed patents worldwide, locating meaningful information in this ever-growing dataset is getting more complex and time-consuming. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a critical role in simplifying this process. From providing better patent classification performance to retrieving more relevant documents, AI offers great accuracy and exceptional quality in less time with less human effort.

AI can also help bring a patent idea to market by identifying patent licensing and synergistic collaboration opportunities.

How To Identify Companies for Patent Licensing or Synergistic Collaboration

Monetizing a patent can be challenging. An alternative to commercializing your invention is entering a licensing agreement with an established company. This reduces your investment and saves you the trouble of producing, marketing, or selling your product or technology.

Patent licensing and collaboration have become significant sources of revenue for patent holders. IBM, Microsoft, Ericsson, and others generate over $1 billion every year in licensing revenues. At its peak, Qualcomm earned over six billion dollars in licensing revenue. 

Options for finding partners include:

Identify Companies with Inventions that Rely on Your Invention

These companies may need to license a patent in order to refine their own inventions. 

For example, if you have a patent on an improved battery, electrical vehicle companies may need your invention to enhance the performance of their vehicles.

Seek Out Companies With Inventions You Rely On

If an enterprise has patents on the inputs you need for your invention, you may be able to form a relationship to exploit both sets of patents. 

You could, for example, enter into a:

  • License
  • Cross license
  • Joint venture
  • Vendor agreement

This relationship could help both of you dominate your market through cooperation rather than competition.

Find Companies with Competing Products

Companies with products that compete with your patented invention might have an interest in licensing or purchasing your patent. Bear in mind however, that a competitor’s primary interest in your patent might be to prevent products based on that patent from reaching the market.

In the above cases, you’re seeking companies that  want  to patent concepts similar to what you have already patented

In some cases your patents may have even been used to reject these companies’ patent applications. This might increase the odds of a relationship because these companies might already be familiar with your patent.

The best path for exploiting your invention will depend on many factors including:

  • The current market
  • Stakeholders in the market
  • The existence or absence of competitive or alternative products
  • The size of the entities already in the market
  • The size of entities looking to enter the market

Based on these factors, you should be able to identify some potential licensees or partners.

How AI Can Play a Role in Finding Potential Licensees, Partners, and Opportunities

AI technology can be a huge asset when it comes to finding patent licensees and collaborative partners. It does this by searching for subject matter related to your patented inventions. It can then research the attributes of the applicants. For example, it can identify startups and distinguish between competitors and non-competitors.

PQAI and Its Solution for Finding Licensing and Collaboration Opportunities

PQAI is an open-source library of tools that use AI to search and evaluate patent documents. These tools are often used before filing a patent application to conduct prior art searches and assess the likelihood of obtaining a patent.

But PQAI’s powerful AI engine can also identify potential licensees, partners, and opportunities by identifying companies with similar technology. PQAI can do this because it can find similar concepts even if the documents do not use the exact language used in the search query. It can also process many documents and identify which have the greatest relevance.

How to Use PQAI to Search for Companies With Patents in Similar Technology 

Step 1: Go to the PQAI search engine. Add the abstract of the patent to be licensed into the search query. You can also enter some keywords or any search query in plain English in accordance with your patent.

Search Form PQAI

Step 2: Click on the “Insights” Tab.

Insights Tab PQAI

Step 3: The Insights tab will produce a list of companies filing patents in similar areas. The list of companies that PQAI presents is not exhaustive. It’s merely a representation of what’s possible. We need to train the AI engine to provide more helpful results.

Proving the Concept Using Real-Life Situations

We conducted three case studies using real-life situations to show the power of the PQAI engine when looking for licensees and partners. Kindly bear in mind that these case studies were conducted using the back end of PQAI (roughly 2,000 search results) and not the front end interface (roughly the top 100 search results). 

Case Study 1 – Patent Licensing Opportunities for Canon

When looking for a partner, you must find enterprises interested in the same or similar technology as your patent.

In  2013, Canon invented a method for improving the emission efficiency and lifetime of OLEDs by using a layer of organic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds. In 2019 Canon secured a European patent on this technology, EP2939288B1.

We used PQAI to identify companies that filed patents on similar technologies by searching for the abstract from Canon’s patent. The search results returned Samsung, LG, NEC, Panasonic, SEL, Tianma, Sumitomo Chemical, Japan Display, Universal Display, Idemitsu, Foxconn, and Toray.

PQAI correctly identified potential partners. As it turned out, one-quarter of the companies returned by PQAI had licensed the patent from Canon. In fact, Samsung eventually bought the patent.

Additionally, when we studied the patents of Canon’s licensees, we found that these companies have patents in similar technology as Canon.

Case Study 2 – Synergistic Collaboration With StartUps for Nestle

Sometimes, a startup company has a disruptive solution that can benefit an established company.

In 2018, Nestle was researching dietary supplements with collagen. They invented a powder  containing buffer salt and amino acid. This powder helped prevent the protein from denaturing or coagulating when the dietary supplement was combined with a protein like collagen. Nestle filed a European patent application for its invention, EP3873236A2.

We used PQAI to search for companies filing patents for technology similar to Nestle’s application. We filtered the search to identify patents from start-ups by restricting the search results to small and medium companies that had filed for the first time within the preceding five years. The search results returned three companies: Vicenna, Vital Proteins, and iSatori.

Once again, PQAI correctly identified potential partners. Nestle acquired Vital Proteins and after the acquisition, it filed two additional patent applications for collagen-based dietary supplements, WO2021204643A1 and WO2021204644A1.

Case Study 3 – Collaboration With Players Across Supply Chain

Companies across a supply chain sometimes seek solutions to the same industry problem, and they often innovate in the same stage of the supply chain.

Nestle developed a process for manufacturing milk powder by spray drying fresh milk followed by a homogenization process before evaporation. This process solved the problem of high viscosity during production. The company secured a patent on this process, EP1259117B1.

We used PQAI to search for companies that were working on similar technologies. The search results included several of Nestle’s competitors—Kraft, Nabisco, Danone, and Unilever. But it also returned two businesses in the supply chain—packaging company Tetra Laval and chemical company Stauffer Chemical.

Tetra Laval, in particular, appeared to be a good potential partner for Nestle:

  • Tetra Laval filed a patent application EP3311672A1 for a method of producing milk powder that reduces the viscosity and increases the high total solids content
  • Tetra Laval is not a competitor
  • Tetra Laval’s subsidiary Tetra Pak has an existing relationship with Nestle

While Tetra Laval has not developed a relationship with Nestle for producing milk powder, all the ingredients for a good partnership exist.

An Opportunity for You – PQAI is Open Source!

Identifying companies for licensing or partnerships can be  arduous, research-intensive and time-consuming. Potential collaborators can leverage PQAI to create advanced tools that find excellent patent licensing and synergistic collaboration opportunities with greater speed and accuracy

PQAI has laid the foundation for potent AI-powered patent tools. As a non-profit open-source initiative, its mission is to accelerate innovation and improve patent search quality. PQAI is dedicated to establishing an open-source forum of IP tools that will drive critical changes in the IP ecosystem in a manner similar to what Linux did in computing.

To learn more about PQAI, visit PQAI’s website. And to become a collaborator in this open source project, review PQAI’s GitHub Directory.

5 Free and Possibly More Efficient Alternatives to Google Patents

Alternative to Google Patents

A Google Patents search requires the searcher to create complex keyword strings and sift through thousands of documents to find relevant prior art. 

In addition, some users are skeptical about using Google products due to a lack of trust and privacy issues. Although Google boasts strong security features, some doubts can remain: will my idea stay confidential if I run it through the Google Patents search portal

If you’re looking for an alternative to the Google Patents search portal for any of these reasons, you’ve hit the bull’s eye.

In this article, we’ll walk you through five free alternatives to Google Patents :

  1. PQAI—Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence
  2. Lens 
  4. USPTO
  5. Espacenet

PQAI – Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence

PQAI is an open-source library of patent tools. It offers a prior art search engine that accepts the invention query in plain English, making it simple for inventors to use. In addition, PQAI is AI-powered—it returns limited yet most relevant results. 

With PQAI, users can search a vast data set of ~11 million US patents and applications & ~11.5 million scholarly articles in engineering and computer science.



Input Query

Google Patents requires the inventor to create complex keyword search strings, which can be time-consuming. Instead, PQAI understands the query in plain English, allowing for a faster and more seamless search .

Time Efficiency

PQAI is a real timesaver because:

  • Its AI fetches more relevant results.
  • Searchers can nudge the AI to bring more relevant results by pressing the “More Like This” button.
  • PQAI shows matching text from patent documents to make it easy to choose which document to read further.
  • In addition, the text matching is not just literal word-by-word, but its AI understands the intent of the search query. The AI also makes sure to include various synonyms of keywords present in the search query for a more inclusive search.

Security and Confidentiality

PQAI ensures your privacy by never logging any of your search queries or results.

Combinational Prior Art Search

PQAI allows the users to conduct a combinational prior art search. In such a search, PQAI shows a group of patents that indicate the inventive concept is not novel. Such a search helps the inventors to refine their ideas, reducing the probability of Section 103 patent rejections.


  • PQAI is an evolving collaborative initiative; it requires a community effort to create a world-class patent search portal to accelerate innovation and improve patent quality.


Lens is a patent search engine that provides free access to patents published across various technologies. Its search interface is exhaustive and complex—not an excellent choice for inventors.


  • Offers a search service for over 140 million patent records and other academic datasets.
  • Offers extremely fine-grained advanced search filters.
  • Offers a search in pending patent applications as well.


  • The interface is quite exhaustive with tons of search filters, making it more suitable for expert patent professionals who work on complex patent projects like landscaping.


Offered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), PATENTSCOPE is a worthy contender as a Google Patents replacement. Overall, PATENTSCOPE provides an impressive selection of resources that will help you stay up-to-date on the latest trends in technology innovation and licensing agreements.

WithPATENTSCOPE, you can narrow your patent searches using meta-level filters in over 100 million patents globally. It’s a search engine technology that’s available for free around the world. 

It’s a one-stop shop for patent search and research, offering a wide range of features, such as detailed patent descriptions, abstracts, images, and citations.


  • Allows searching for patents in languages other than English.
  • Provides instant translations of non-English patents.
  • Offers a chemical structure-based search. 
  • Allows downloading the results in Excel format.
  • Educates readers with tips and tricks to make the most of the search engine.


  • Requires the user to create a complex combination of fields to conduct the search.


While widely used, there  are many weaknesses to the USPTO search interface, including a lack of filters for specific topics, limited results based on keyword relevance, and slow loading times. These problems can make it challenging to find the information you’re looking for quickly and efficiently.

Additionally, the data presented in the search results is comprehensive, but challenging to understand or use. The tables often contain too many columns and rows, which makes it difficult to focus on specific information.



  • This database contains more than 1 million patent records as of June 2018.
  • Allows searching in patents as well as patent applications using ~50 different fields.


  • Its search interface is complex and highly outdated. 
  • There’s no mobile app currently available. 


Espacenet is a European patent database with over 130 million patents, including both granted and pending patents. 

Espacenet offers free access to information about inventions and technical developments from 1782 to today. It was developed by the European Patent Office (EPO) together with the member states of the European Patent Organization. Most member states have an Espacenet service in their national languages and access to the EPO’s worldwide database, most of which is in English.


  • Allows high-quality instant translation of non-English patents for over 30 languages.
  • Allows users to jump between results to review technical drawings for a quicker search.
  • Gives insightful data about inventors, applicants, and technology fields.


  • Requires users to create complex keyword search strings.

The Verdict

There are a few different alternatives to Google Patents that you may want to consider, but PQAI offers a very promising option. The PQAI search has many unique features to make it easier to use, compared to traditional search engines:

  • PQAI’s natural language interface enables inventors to describe their inventions using simple sentences.
  • PQAI displays only a limited set of results per search query. This makes the search process more straightforward and less time-consuming. Searchers may ask the system for “more like this” or “more like the save” to get more documents relevant to the search query.
  • PQAI guides researchers and helps you avoid Section 103 rejections.
  • Users can save relevant documents and incorporate them into a report for sharing with a patent attorney or evaluator to make the patent prosecution process more efficient.
  • PQAI protects users’ privacy by not storing searches after each session, instead saving documents and reports on the user’s computer.

Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence (PQAI) is MORE THAN Just a Search Engine

PQAI is a not-for-profit organization that develops an open-source AI-based library of software components to speed innovation and boost patent quality

The flexibility and innovation of open-source software makes PQAI a leader in the patent ecosystem.

Committed to security, privacy and unbridled innovation, PQAI empowers all inventors with sophisticated IP tools to fuel their success and creativity.

Team PQAI has already built five applications to ease your patent search:

  1. Prior art search engine: Uses AI to pick limited most relevant prior art references. It also offers a combinational prior art search to reduce the probability of Section 103 patent rejections. Allows users to save results, generate prior art reports for patent prosecution discussion with a patent attorney, get insights on patenting trends and  more.
  2. CPCs look up: Lists the IPC/CPC codes based on the technology described in the search query.
  3. Art unit predictor: Tells the art unit the invention may fall into at the patent office. Different art units have different patent rejection statistics; applicants may wish to describe the inventive technology in a way that aligns it with a favorable art unit.
  4. Concept extractor: An invention might encompass multiple technical concepts. For instance, a coffee pot that keeps your coffee warm will have a temperature sensor, heating element, etc. While conducting a prior art search, you might want to get more ideas for  encompassing concepts.
  5. Keyword generator: Let’s say the main keyword is beer. Related keywords could be beverage, malt beverage, fermented beverage, alcoholic beverage, wine, drink, etc. While conducting the prior art search, this generator provides additional related keywords for a more comprehensive search.

The open-source nature of the PQAI project promises many more applications today and in the future to help patent professionals, corporations, and inventors. Visit PQAI to learn more.

3 Ways Inventors Can Leverage Prior Art to Fine-Tune Their Ideas

Ways Inventors Can Leverage Prior Art to Fine-Tune Their Ideas

You’ve come up with a brilliant invention and are ready to patent it. The first step in the process is to conduct a prior art search to ensure that there is no existing patent for your idea. The relation between your invention and the prior art will determine whether the Patent Office awards your patent or fights issuance with rejection after rejection.

But you might not have considered using the prior art in an iterative process to refine the invention. Whether you find no prior art, some prior art, or anticipatory prior art, you can use the prior art to improve the invention and increase your chances of obtaining a patent.

Here are three ways inventors can leverage prior art to fine-tune their ideas and improve the quality of their enterprise’s patents.

Creatively Interpreting and Using Prior Art Search Results

PQAI stands for Patent Quality Artificial Intelligence. This simple, AI-powered search engine provides your innovation’s ten extremely relevant prior art references.

After you run your innovative idea through the PQAI engine, for inventors and other non-attorneys, the search results fall into one of three categories:

  1. No relevant results
  2. Relevant results that anticipate your invention
  3. Relevant results that are close but not close enough to anticipate the invention

Regardless of which category your results fall into, the results give you valuable information about your next steps. Importantly, this is not a binary decision to either patent or abandon the idea. Instead, you can patent the invention or brainstorm and refine the idea to get onto the path to a patent.

In this article, you will learn a course of action for each category of results.

No Relevant Results Means Your Search May Need Refocusing

You face a dilemma if you do not get any relevant prior art references in a patent search. Your invention might genuinely be novel. If this is the case, your prior art search results might help the inventors develop new or related inventions to help your enterprise occupy the new field you have discovered.

Conversely, it could be that some relevant prior art does exist, but your search was flawed and failed to find those results. If you think the search results seem strange or inaccurate, you can refocus your search. In PQAI, you do this by:

  • Using the Concept Extractor application in PQAI to identify any missing or misinterpreted concepts by describing those missing concepts in greater detail
  • Identifying potentially relevant results and using the option in PQAI to show “more of these.”
  • Saving or opening potentially relevant results to nudge PQAI toward more results like those you viewed or saved.
  • Looking up CPCs with PQAI to ensure the system has searched for the correct concepts relating to the invention.

For example, suppose you invented a coffee machine with a sensor to turn off the burner when the coffee carafe is empty. Then, as you review your search results, you might find that they go toward coffee machines that turn off the heating element that boils the water for the brewer when the water tank is empty.

Source: PQAI Prior Art Search Engine

These results are not relevant to the subject invention. However, to find out if there are closer prior art references, you can use the tools built into PQAI to refocus the search.

Relevant Results With Existing Patents Can Spur Innovation

Suppose you run your search and find a prior art reference that precisely describes your invention. You might think these search results spell the end of your invention. But you can leverage these search results to continue innovating in the area and potentially create something new to be patented.

You can look at the later patents that cite your invention’s prior art reference and see how the concept has evolved. These forward citations might not necessarily tie directly to the original concept. They might have cited the references for some ancillary point. But these forward citations can describe one evolutionary path the invention took.

Within PQAI, you can use the save/open results functionality to nudge the system to find other related patents. This chain of patents might not have cited the original prior art reference, but they may illustrate similar concepts. Based on the references from forwarding citations and nudged results, you may find areas without prior art where you can tweak the invention.

Another option is to conduct a Google search to identify any products that ended up using the invention. This option can provide you with concrete applications for the invention that you might improve upon.

In the other direction, you may see that other enterprises have thoroughly covered the invention. So you could drop the idea altogether and move on to a different idea.

For example, suppose you invented a mobile phone with multiple cameras on one side of the phone. You could find results showing the exact concept and ideas built on it with 3D or infrared cameras.

Source: PQAI Prior Art Search Engine

Following the prior art chain that cited the closest reference or described concepts similar to the nearest reference, you can decide whether you have the space to tweak the idea or need to drop the idea.

Relevant Results With No Anticipating Patents Opens the Door to a Broad Patent

If your invention appears novel and you think you got good search results, you sit in a solid position to get a broad patent. Patent lawyers often compare patents to plots of land. You want your plot of land to sit directly adjacent to your neighbor’s plot, with no gaps in between.

When you read through the prior art found in your search, you may find gaps between your invention and the patented inventions. You can expand your invention to include other embodiments or applications that surround your invention. This approach gives you broader patent protection and closes the gaps for a possible design-around.

You can nudge the search results in PQAI to ensure no on-point results by using the save/open trick described previously. This step will give you peace of mind that you have found all the relevant references.

Once you feel comfortable about your search results, you can save your results in PQAI and download the search report for review by a patent attorney.

Going back to the coffee maker example, suppose you only find references that cover turning off the boiling element, not the warmer under the carafe. You realize your original idea of sensing the weight to turn off the warmer was too narrow. You can now expand your invention to cover other ways of sensing an empty carafe, such as optical sensors that “see” when the carafe is empty and temperature sensors that sense when the carafe starts to burn.

Using Prior Art Search Results Iteratively

You should view prior art searches as part of the innovation process. The search can tell you something about your invention no matter what prior art references you find.

As you review search results, you should remember to:

  • Refine searches when results seem off.
  • Read the references with a critical eye to find possible areas to tweak or expand your invention.
  • Resist the temptation to become frustrated if the prior art anticipates your invention.
  • Talk to a patent attorney about what you can and cannot patent.

Not Just a Patent Search Engine, An Initiative, A Movement, A Hope

PQAI is a not-for-profit initiative focused on creating an open-source AI-based library of software components to accelerate innovation and improve patent quality. We believe that establishing an open-source forum of IP tools will drive critical changes in the IP ecosystem like what Linux did in computing. The PQAI search engine is one example of how such components can be assembled to create new and useful tools. The empowering of all inventors with advanced IP tools will drive more diversity and inclusion, which will accelerate the pace of innovation. PQAI believes in transparency and user privacy.

To learn more about PQAI and explore opportunities to improve system feedback, contact Sam Zellner, project lead for PQAI.

The Evolution of Data Access Tools for Patents

The Patent Office has many restrictions on the information it can disclose. In fact, through the 1990s, prior art searches could only be conducted in the Patent Office’s library. And the early version of the Patent Office’s database only used patent classification codes and did not allow full-text searching.

Things started to change in the early 2000s. The U.S. began publishing pending applications in 2001, opening the door to a wealth of information for inventors, litigators, and patent prosecutors. Gone were the days of hiring agents near the Patent Office to conduct your patent searches and pull your file wrappers. Instead, anyone with some training and patience could use the Patent Office’s database to obtain patent and patent application data.

We have now reached the next stage in the evolution of patent data tools. Developers have identified the strengths and weaknesses in the Patent Office’s interface. They have created proprietary and open-source tools to obtain, clean, and visualize patent data.

Using the Power of Open-Source Tools to Transform the IP Landscape

Open-source tools have several advantages over proprietary approaches, including:

  • Free to use.
  • Open access to source code.
  • Available for developers to change or incorporate the source code into new tools.
  • Royalty-free distribution or redistribution.
  • New business models for corporates.

These attributes encourage developers to adopt a standard instead of creating separate approaches. It also speeds development by allowing developers to “stand on the shoulders” of their predecessors.

Obtaining Patent Data

Formerly, patent data was located in silos in the Patent Office. However, for the past 20 years, the Patent Office has made this information available. Some of the open-source tools designed to obtain patent data include:


PQAI stands for Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence. This library of patent-related tools provides a next-generation prior art search engine. This search engine evaluates the search results and returns the top ten prior art references. In addition, the search engine trains itself to determine which results to return based on historical patent examination records.

PQAI Search Engine

PQAI promises to transform the IP landscape for inventors/enterprises, patent attorneys, and even patent examiners by delivering higher-quality search results. Conducting a search and reviewing mountains of search results takes time. Since PQAI only provides the most relevant prior art references, it provides more accurate, faster, and cheaper patent searches.

PQAI was initiated by the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance (GIPA) and AT&T. GreyB contributed the algorithm, and InspireIP manages the application. As an open-source application, developers continue to improve PQAI. To review PQAI or contribute, you can access the files on PQAI’s GitHub.


The initiators of PatZilla call it “a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit.” Its primary feature is a search engine that pulls prior art references from the European Patent Office’s database. It also pulls from DEPATISnet, CLAIMS Direct, and In addition, PatZilla provides pdf, image, bibliographic data, and full test acquisition from these services.

PatZilla’s contributions to the evolving IP landscape include:

  • A user interface that allows efficient screening of multiple references.
  • Web-based collaboration for information sharing.
  • Adaptable API for integration into third-party systems.

Andreas Motl authored PatZilla. But many developers have contributed to PatZilla since its initial release in 2014. To view the files for PatZilla or to contribute, go to PatZilla’s GitHub.


phpIP manages and dockets patents and other IP rights. The software was designed for inventors, enterprises, and IP law firms.

The system’s initiators sought to develop a software package that was flexible and easy to use. Unfortunately, most alternative packages were complicated and provided more features than necessary. As a result, most users paid for features they did not need and could not use the features they wanted.

phpIP was built on open-source software. It is changing the IP landscape by providing intuitive docketing and patent management tool. Notably, users can adapt the system to their specific needs. As they do, they can contribute to the overall improvement of the system.

You can view the documentation and source code files at phpIP’s Github.

Cleaning Patent Data | Open Refine

Not every user who works with patent data will need to clean it. But occasionally, you will have a large file of patent or patent application data that does not have the correct format for your use.

In the past, users have relied on Excel or Open Office to clean data. But this often requires the user to manually fix each cell or have the programming knowledge to write a macro to fix the cells automatically.

Open Refine is a tool that automates patent data cleaning. It is an open-source tool that Metaweb Technologies, Inc, developed. It was acquired by Google and released for open use in October 2012.

Open Refine provides automated data cleaning functions that can be applied to large patent data files. Some of the features that apply to patent data cleaning include:

  • Reformatting dates.
  • Separating inventors into different cells.
  • Repairing corrupted or missing characters.

This tool can improve the speed and accuracy of the review, analysis, and storing of patent data. To contribute to Open Refine, visit the GitHub page.

Visualizing Patent Data

Visualizations can help identify trends or patterns in the massive amount of patent data that may relate to your project. For example, you might benefit from a visualization of when patent applications were filed or which countries they were filed in.

Until recently, you would need to comb through a spreadsheet to spot patterns in the data. Now,  there are tools to turn patent data into visualizations, including:


Gephi is a network visualization platform that can create graphs showing relationships between patents or patent applications. It is an open-source application that is free to use. Association Gephi authored the software, but many developers have contributed to it. 

Gephi can convert CSV or Excel files into data visualizations. This means you can import a file from The Lens or a cleaned file from Open Refine (both discussed above). Gephi will then create a visualization of the data.

This will change the IP landscape by revealing obscure or hidden patterns in the data. For example, you can visualize the number of pending applications in the data file that belong to each assignee.

To view the source code for Gephi or participate in its development, visit the Gephi GitHub page.


Plotly Chart Studio is an open-source platform that can be used to create interactive graphics. The open-source version of Plotly is cloud-based. This version is free to use. Plotly also offers enterprise versions for a fee.

Plotly creates graphs from data files generated through The Lens or Open Refine. Like Gephi, Plotly can help spot trends or patterns in the data. But unlike Gephi, the graphs in Plotly were designed to be interactive and shareable. This makes Plotly a valuable collaborative tool that will alter the IP landscape.

Plotly was developed by Plotly Technologies, Inc. You can help develop Plotly by reviewing the source code and documentation on Plotly’s GitHub.

Opportunities Ahead

The open-source nature of these tools almost guarantees that they will continue to develop and improve. To be a part of these opportunities, you can either use the software and provide feedback or you can collaborate with the developers to identify and create new features for these applications.

Get in touch with Sam Zellner, project lead for PQAI, to explore collaboration opportunities with PQAI.

6 Open-Source IP Tools That Inventors and Patent Professionals Must Know About

Open Source IP Tools for Inventors and Patent Professionals

The Evolution of Data Access Tools for Patents

The Patent Office has many restrictions on the information it can disclose. In fact, through the 1990s, prior art searches could only be conducted in the Patent Office’s library. And the early version of the Patent Office’s database only used patent classification codes and did not allow full-text searching.

Things started to change in the early 2000s. The U.S. began publishing pending applications in 2001, opening the door to a wealth of information for inventors, litigators, and patent prosecutors. Gone were the days of hiring agents near the Patent Office to conduct your patent searches and pull your file wrappers. Instead, anyone with some training and patience could use the Patent Office’s database to obtain patent and patent application data.

We have now reached the next stage in the evolution of patent data tools. Developers have identified the strengths and weaknesses in the Patent Office’s interface. They have created proprietary and open-source tools to obtain, clean, and visualize patent data.

Using the Power of Open-Source Tools to Transform the IP Landscape

Open-source tools have several advantages over proprietary approaches, including:

  • Free to use.
  • Open access to source code.
  • Available for developers to change or incorporate the source code into new tools.
  • Royalty-free distribution or redistribution.
  • New business models for corporates.

These attributes encourage developers to adopt a standard instead of creating separate approaches. It also speeds development by allowing developers to “stand on the shoulders” of their predecessors.

Obtaining Patent Data

Formerly, patent data was located in silos in the Patent Office. However, for the past 20 years, the Patent Office has made this information available. Some of the open-source tools designed to obtain patent data include:


PQAI stands for Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence. This library of patent-related tools provides a next-generation prior art search engine. This search engine evaluates the search results and returns the top ten prior art references. In addition, the search engine trains itself to determine which results to return based on historical patent examination records.

PQAI Search Engine

PQAI promises to transform the IP landscape for inventors/enterprises, patent attorneys, and even patent examiners by delivering higher-quality search results. Conducting a search and reviewing mountains of search results takes time. Since PQAI only provides the most relevant prior art references, it provides more accurate, faster, and cheaper patent searches.

PQAI was initiated by the Georgia Intellectual Property Alliance (GIPA) and AT&T. The algorithm was contributed by GreyB, and InspireIP manages the application. As an open-source application, developers continue to improve PQAI. To review PQAI or contribute, you can access the files on PQAI’s GitHub.


The initiators of PatZilla call it “a modular patent information research platform and data integration toolkit.” Its primary feature is a search engine that pulls prior art references from the European Patent Office’s database. It also pulls from DEPATISnet, CLAIMS Direct, and In addition, PatZilla provides pdf, image, bibliographic data, and full test acquisition from these services.

PatZilla’s contributions to the evolving IP landscape include:

  • A user interface that allows efficient screening of multiple references.
  • Web-based collaboration for information sharing.
  • Adaptable API for integration into third-party systems.

Andreas Motl authored PatZilla. But many developers have contributed to PatZilla since its initial release in 2014. To view the files for PatZilla or to contribute, go to PatZilla’s GitHub.


phpIP manages and dockets patents and other IP rights. The software was designed for inventors, enterprises, and IP law firms.

The system’s initiators sought to develop a software package that was flexible and easy to use. Unfortunately, most alternative packages were complicated and provided more features than necessary. As a result, most users paid for features they did not need and could not use the features they wanted.

phpIP was built on open-source software. It is changing the IP landscape by providing intuitive docketing and patent management tool. Notably, users can adapt the system to their specific needs. As they do, they can contribute to the overall improvement of the system.

You can view the documentation and source code files at phpIP’s Github.

Cleaning Patent Data | Open Refine

Not every user who works with patent data will need to clean it. But occasionally, you will have a large file of patent or patent application data that does not have the correct format for your use.

In the past, users have relied on Excel or Open Office to clean data. But this often requires the user to manually fix each cell or have the programming knowledge to write a macro to fix the cells automatically.

Open Refine is a tool that automates patent data cleaning. It is an open-source tool that Metaweb Technologies, Inc, developed. It was acquired by Google and released for open use in October 2012.

Open Refine provides automated data cleaning functions that can be applied to large patent data files. Some of the features that apply to patent data cleaning include:

  • Reformatting dates.
  • Separating inventors into different cells.
  • Repairing corrupted or missing characters.

This tool can improve the speed and accuracy of the review, analysis, and storing of patent data. To contribute to Open Refine, visit the GitHub page.

Visualizing Patent Data

Visualizations can help identify trends or patterns in the massive amount of patent data that may relate to your project. For example, you might benefit from a visualization of when patent applications were filed or which countries they were filed in.

Until recently, you would need to comb through a spreadsheet to spot patterns in the data. Now,  there are tools to turn patent data into visualizations, including:


Gephi is a network visualization platform that can create graphs showing relationships between patents or patent applications. It is an open-source application that is free to use. Association Gephi authored the software, but many developers have contributed to it. 

Gephi can convert CSV or Excel files into data visualizations. This means you can import a file from The Lens or a cleaned file from Open Refine (both discussed above). Gephi will then create a visualization of the data.

This will change the IP landscape by revealing obscure or hidden patterns in the data. For example, you can visualize the number of pending applications in the data file that belong to each assignee.

To view the source code for Gephi or participate in its development, visit the Gephi GitHub page.


Plotly Chart Studio is an open-source platform that can be used to create interactive graphics. The open-source version of Plotly is cloud-based. This version is free to use. Plotly also offers enterprise versions for a fee.

Plotly creates graphs from data files generated through The Lens or Open Refine. Like Gephi, Plotly can help spot trends or patterns in the data. But unlike Gephi, the graphs in Plotly were designed to be interactive and shareable. This makes Plotly a valuable collaborative tool that will alter the IP landscape.

Plotly was developed by Plotly Technologies, Inc. You can help develop Plotly by reviewing the source code and documentation on Plotly’s GitHub.

Opportunities Ahead

The open-source nature of these tools almost guarantees that they will continue to develop and improve. To be a part of these opportunities, you can either use the software and provide feedback or you can collaborate with the developers to identify and create new features for these applications.

Get in touch with Sam Zellner, project lead for PQAI, to explore collaboration opportunities with PQAI.

The Top 20 AI Inventors and their Most Cited Patents

If our era is the next Industrial Revolution, as many claim, AI is surely one of its driving forces.

 – Fei-Fei Li

AI is no more limited to sci-fi movies. The endeavor to replicate or simulate human intelligence in machines has made AI mainstream in the last decade. As a result, AI has left a lasting impact on all our lives. From being a figment of our imaginations to becoming an intrinsic part of our every day, the AI revolution is real and is here to stay. 

We looked back at 2020 and put together a list of the top 20 inventors of Artificial Intelligence. 

Top 20 AI inventors
  1. Sarbajit Rakshit

An Application Architect and seeker of solutions, Sarbjit Rakshit, is an IBM Master Inventor with a degree in mechanical engineering from the Indian Institute of Engineering, Science and Technology.

Source – Forbes

He was awarded 163 US patents in 2019, the highest ever awarded to a citizen of India in a single year. His patent portfolio contains 359 patents in Artificial Intelligence globally, belonging to 271 unique patent families.

The most valuable patent in Sarbajit’s portfolio is US20160070439A1 – Electronic commerce using augmented reality glasses and a smartwatch. This patent family is the most cited (47 times) by companies Ariadne’s Thread (USA) Inc., Microsoft Technology Licensing Llc, Siemens Ag, Ebay Inc, and Lucyd Ltd.

Source – US20160070439A1

Source – Verdict

Before we look at the rest of the list, here’s a fascinating insight. 11 of the top 20 AI inventors are either currently at StradVision or have worked there previously. Ten of these inventors are co-inventors on a patent. Not just any patent; it’s their most cited patent. Let’s find out what StradVision does and their most cited patent.

StradVision is a fairly new company, founded in late 2014. Their goal is to bring powerful and safe ADAS (Advanced driver-assistance systems) & self-driving technology to the masses. StradVision’s technology utilizes a novel perception algorithm allowing autonomous vehicles to reach the required level of safety, accuracy, and driver convenience. This is achieved through safe & reliable real-world object detection, tracking, segmentation, and classification. In addition, they have an auto-labeling system that produces training data with minimal human input and a semi-supervised learning-based training tool, enabling autonomous vehicles to detect and perceive environments in real-time.

StradVision - AI Assisted Driving For everyone

Source – StradVision

The most cited patent for these ten inventors is US10169679B1. The patent is for – “Learning method and learning device for adjusting parameters of CNN by using loss augmentation and testing method and testing device.


Source: StradVision

Yongjoong Kim, Woonhyun Nam, Sukhoon Boo, Myungchul Sung, Donghun Yeo, Wooju RYU, Taewoong Jang, Kyungjoong Jeong, Hongmo Je, Hojin Cho are co-inventors of the said patent.

The said patent family has been cited 27 times by companies Didi Res America Llc, Stradvision Inc, and Beijing Didi Infinity Technology. The patent’s geographical coverage extends to the United States, China, Japan, and Korea. 

  1. Wooju Ryu

Wooju Ryu is a Korean inventor with a master’s degree in Computer Engineering from Pohang University of Science and Technology. 

Wooju Ryu AI Inventor

Source: Twitter

He is presently an Algorithm Engineer at StradVision and works in Deep Learning, Computer Vision, ADAS, Text Recognition and Automatic Driving. He has been associated with Intel, Olaworks, and Samsung as a Senior Researcher between 2007 and 2016. 

Wooju Ryu - Technology wise Patents Distribution

His patent portfolio consists of 831 patents in the AI domain globally, which belong to 267 unique patent families.

  1. Woonhyun Nam

Woonhyun Nam is a Korean inventor with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Computer Science and Engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology.

Woonhyun Nam - AI inventor

Source: ResearchGate

He is presently the Director, Lead of Algorithm Engineering at StradVision, Inc. His work profile is deeply seated in AI, with him being responsible for engineering, researching, investigating, and deploying algorithms across company products and services. 

Woonhyun Nam - Technology Area Patent famility count

His portfolio consists of 826 patents in the AI domain globally, which belong to 266 unique patent families. Most of his inventions are in the field of Instruments Technology.

  1. Hongmo Je

Hongmo Je is a Korean inventor with a Computer Science degree from the Pohang University of Science and Technology. 

Hongmo Je AI Inventor

Source: Crunchbase

Presently, he is the CTO of Stradvision and leads the RnD Integration/Engineering Team developing camera-based perception SW stack for ADAS/Autonomous Driving applications. He was previously the Engineering Manager at Intel and the head of RnD at Olaworks. 

HongMo Je - Technology wise Patent family count

Hongmo Je’s patent portfolio consists of 824 patents in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) domain globally which belong to 264 unique patent families. In addition, he holds 256 patents in the Instruments domain. 

  1. Donghun Yeo

Donghun Yeo is a Korean inventor with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Computer vision from Pohang University of Science and Technology. 

Donghun Yeo - AI Inventor

Source: NIST

Yeo is presently a Senior Researcher at the Hana Institute of Technology. Previously, he was an algorithm engineer at StradVision.

Yeo’s patent portfolio comprises 824 patents in the Artificial Intelligence domain globally, belonging to 264 unique patent families. A significant chunk of his portfolio consists of innovations in Instrument Technology (255). 

  1. Myungchul Sung

Myungchul Sung is a Korean inventor with a master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from the Pohang University of Science and Technology. He is an Algorithm Engineer at StradVision. 

He holds 824 patents in the Artificial Intelligence domain globally, which belong to 264 unique patent families. However, the most significant chunk of his patent portfolio is innovations in the Instruments Technology domain, amounting to 255. 

  1. Yong-Joong Kim

Yong-Joong Kim is a Korean inventor with a master’s degree in Computer Science from Yonsei University. He is presently an algorithm engineer at Stradvision. In the past, he has been a researcher at the Pohang University of Science and Technology and an IT coordinator at the National Institute for International Education. In addition, he has interned at the MARG Lab at Seoul National University.

  1. Taewoong Jang

Taewoong Jang is a Korean inventor with a bachelor’s degree in Physics & Math who graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Pohang University of Science and Technology. He was an Algorithm Engineer at StradVision and is now a Software Engineer at Coinone. 

He holds 824 patents in the Artificial Intelligence domain globally across 264 unique patent families. The majority of his patent portfolio (255 patents) are innovations related to Instruments Technology. 

  1. Kyungjoong Jeong

Kyungjoong Jeong is a Korean inventor who is an Algorithm Engineer at Stradvision. He graduated from Ulsan University as an Electrical Engineer as the Dean’s Honoured Graduate. He has previously been at Samsung Techwin and a Researcher at POSTECH, where he earned his Master’s degree. Deep Learning, Computer Vision, and Machine Learning are his research interests.

Kyungjoong Jeong’s patent portfolio has 824 patents in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) domain globally, belonging to 264 unique patent families. 255 of these patents are innovations in the field of Instruments Technology. 

  1. Hojin Cho

Hojin Cho is a Korean inventor with a degree in Computer Science Engineering and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Computer Vision from the Pohang University of Science and Technology. He is an Algorithm Engineer at StradVision.

His portfolio consists of 824 patents in AI belonging to 264 unique patent families, of which 255 are in the sub-domain of Instruments Technology.

  1. Sukhoon Boo

Sukhoon Boo is a Korean inventor associated with StradVision Inc. His portfolio consists of 824 patents in AI belonging to 264 unique patent families, of which 255 are in the sub-domain of Instruments Technology.

  1. Hak-Kyoung Kim

Hak-Kyoung Kim is a Korean inventor and an algorithm engineer affiliated with Stradvision Inc. 

His portfolio consists of 758 patents in Artificial Intelligence globally, belonging to 251 unique patent families. In addition, he has 242 innovations in the domain of Instruments Technology.

The most valuable patent in Hak-Kyoung Kim’s portfolio is US10229346B1 – Learning method, learning device for detecting object using edge image and testing method. This is his most cited patent, having been cited 13 times. The patent’s geographical coverage is in the United States, China, Korea, and Japan.


  1. Kye-Hyeon Kim

Kye-Hyeon Kim is a Korean inventor with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Computer Science (Machine Learning) from the Pohang University of Science and Technology.

Currently, he is the Chief Research Officer at Superb AI Inc. He has previously been associated with StradVision as an Algorithm Engineer, SK Telecom as a Research Scientist, and Intel and Samsung as a Senior Software Engineer. 

He holds 754 patents in the Artificial Intelligence domain globally, which belong to 251 unique patent families. However, the most significant chunk of his innovations is in the realm of Instruments Technology (242).

The most valuable patent in his portfolio is US10229346B1, the same as Hak-Kyoung Kim. They are co-inventors with a few more inventors on this patent.

  1. John M Ganci Jr

John M Ganci Jr is an American inventor affiliated with IBM. His patent portfolio has 223 patents filed globally which belong to 145 unique patent families. In addition, he holds 102 patents in the Instruments Technology domain.

John M Ganci Jr.’s most cited patent is US20160070439A1, the same as Sarbajit Rakshit. They are co-inventors on this patent with a few others.

  1. Craig Trim

Craig Trim is an American inventor with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer and Information Sciences from Cal Poly Pomona and a Master of Science, MS, Data Analytics from Capella University.

Source – TheOrg

He is currently with Causality Link as a Senior Engineer. His past experiences include being at IBM as a Lead Data Scientist and Dristi as a CTO.

Trim’s patent portfolio consists of 223 patents in the AI domain, belonging to 144 unique patent families. In addition, he holds 116 patents in the Instruments Technology domain. 

Craig’s most cited patent is US20160070439A1. Craig is a co-inventor on this with Sarbajit Rakshit, John Gangci, and a few others.

  1. Corville O Allen

Corville Allen is an American inventor with a degree in Computer Science, Mathematics from Lona College. He has 17 years of experience in Enterprise Software Development, including web-based software, Application Server infrastructure, Business Application Integration, and Cognitive Systems. He is a Senior Technical Staff Member and Master Inventor, a 5-time North Carolina Inventor of the Year at IBM. 

Source: IBM News Room

His specialties include Application Integration, API Development, Agile Methodologies, SDLC, WebSphere, Connectivity, and Architecture.

His patent portfolio consists of 232 patents belonging to 142 unique patent families. In addition, he holds 120 patents in the domain of Instruments Technology.

Allen’s most valuable patent is US9369488B2 – Policy enforcement using natural language processing. The said patent family has been cited 119 times by the company Onetrust Llc. The patent’s geographical coverage extends to the United States and China.

The core idea of the patent is to automatically identify if the user is violating the “terms of use” policy for devices like computers. For example, the user may attempt to use the device camera to photograph an object within a physical location governed by the term of the use policy document. Based on the procedure disclosed in the patent, the user’s computing device may take appropriate action, e.g., policy enforcement, restricting or disabling functionality, alerting or warning the user to non-compliance, or the like.

  1. Martin G Keen

Martin Keen is an American inventor with a degree in Computer Science from Southampton Solent University. He has been associated with IBM as a Technical Content Creation Leader & Video Production Leader.

Source: The Marketplace Podcast

Martin is an IBM Master Inventor and was conferred the Honorary award in 2016 by IBM. He holds over 200 patent applications, specializing in big data, cognitive systems, mobile devices, and predictive analytics. In addition, Martin is a Technical Content Creator Leader, including developing dozens of published books. He is also a Videographer and Video Production Lead specializing in corporate video creation and online learning course development. 

His patent portfolio has 201 globally filed globally belonging to 138 unique patent families. In addition, he holds 90 patents in the domain of Instruments Technology. 

The most valuable patent in Martin Keen’s portfolio is US9473819B1 – Event pop-ups for video selection. The patent family has been cited 16 times by companies IBM, Sony Interactive Entertainment Llc, Amazon Tech Inc, and Dish Network Llc.

Source – US9473819B1

  1. Jeremy Fox

Jeremy Fox is an American inventor with a BBA, Computer Information System degree from the University of Texas at El Paso. He has been associated with IBM since 2001. As a result, he has been accorded the title of Master Inventor at IBM. 

Jeremy has also served as the IBM Commerce IDT Chair for over three years.

His patent portfolio consists of 128 patents in AI globally, belonging to 110 unique patent families. In addition, 68 patents have been filed in Instruments Technology. 

The most valuable patent in Jeremy Fox’s portfolio is US9826500B1 – Preventing driver distraction from incoming notifications – cited 8 times by Nocell Technologies Llc.

Source – MyPolice #LeaveThePhoneAlone

Don’t we agree – those smartphone notifications while driving can be dangerously distractive? Jeremy Fox’s thought process behind this patent is quite appreciable. His ingenious idea to adjust the intensity of notification alerts based on the driving conditions is remarkable. For example: changing a loud beep to just a vibration alert for a particular type of notification. A few examples of conditions include driving:

  • in fair/poor/good weather
  • during day/night
  • familiar/unfamiliar route
  1. Yasuaki Yamagishi

Yasuaki Yamagishi is a Japanese inventor currently Senior Research Scientist at Sony Corporation.

His patent portfolio consists of 614 patents belonging to 104 unique patent families. In addition, he has 99 patents in the domain of Electronics Communication Techniques.

His patent US10178148B2 – Content supply device, content supply method, program, and content supply system – is his most cited (13 times), by Sony Corporation, Saturn Licensing LLC. The patent’s geographical coverage extends to the United States, Brazil, India, China, and Russian Federation.

  1. Joydeep Ray

Joydeep Ray is an American inventor with a master’s degree in Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University. He is a Graphics Architect at Intel Corporation. He has previously been associated with AMD as an MTS Design Engineer, Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation as a Technical Representative in CPU Sub-committee, Carnegie Mellon University as a Research Assistant, and IBM as a Design Engineer.

Ray’s patent portfolio has 293 patents in the Artificial Intelligence domain globally, belonging to 84 unique patent families. In addition, 77 inventions are related to instruments belonging to the Instruments Technology domain. 

His patent US10108850B1 – Recognition, reidentification, and security enhancements using autonomous machines – is his most valuable. It has been cited 10 times and has geographical coverage in the United States and China. 

Let’s Sum it Up

It was interesting to note that most inventors among the top 20 AI inventors across the globe are Korean. 12 out of 20 are either working at StradVision or have worked at StradVision in the past. It’s intriguing to know what StradVision is up to. There is a commonality in many of these inventors’ most cited patents. It’s the object recognition in a video.

InventorCountry of OriginPresent Place of WorkPast Places of Work
Sarbajit RakshitIndianIBMN/A
Wooju RyuKoreanStradVision Inc.Intel, Olaworks, Samsung
Woonhyun NamKoreanStradVision Inc. N/A
Hongmo JeKoreanStradVision Inc.Intel, Olaworks
Donghun YeoKoreanHana Institute of TechnologyStradVision Inc.
Myungchul SungKoreanStradVision Inc.N/A
Yong-Joong KimKoreanStradVision Inc. N/A
Taewoong JangKoreanCoinoneStradVision Inc.
Kyungjoong JeongKoreanStradVision Inc. Samsung Techwin
Hojin ChoKoreanStradVision Inc. N/A
Sukhoon BooKoreanStradVision Inc. N/A
Hak-Kyoung KimKoreanStradvision Inc.N/A
Kye-Hyeon KimKoreanSuperb AI Inc. StradVision, SK Telecom, Intel and Samsung
John M Ganci JrAmericanIBMN/A
Craig TrimAmericanCausality LinkIBM, dristi
Corville O AllenAmericanIBMN/A
Martin G KeenAmericanIBMN/A
Jeremy FoxAmericanIBMN/A
Yasuki YamagishiJapaneseSony CorporationN/A
Joydeep RayAmericanIntel CorporationAdvanced Micro Devices Inc., IBM

What kindled your interest in this article? Are you currently working on any AI projects?

Since you were interested in this article, we wish to share an AI-based initiative. It’s called Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence. The initiative is focused on inventors, and the core value that drives the initiative is “Prior Art Search for Everyone.” At PQAI, we studied patent rejection stats. We observed that most patents receive 102/103 type rejections. This means the invention described in the patent is either not new or obvious based on a combination of one or more previous inventions/literature. Unfortunately, many inventors apply for patents without a thorough prior art search. Usually, this is because there is a lack of budget or patent searching skills. Also, it’s challenging to search for non-patent literature while performing a prior art search. These reasons triggered an urge to develop an inventor-friendly prior art search engine. And what better than AI to turn to for help?

If you feel the pain inventors go through on receiving a patent rejection, we urge you to join the initiative and contribute the best way only you can!

Women’s History Month: Honoring 15 Ingenious Female Inventors

Necessity is the mother of invention.


On May 5, 1809, Ms. Mary Dixon Kies became the first woman to receive a patent in the United States of America for her technique of weaving straw with silk. Women, from time immemorial, have been innovating and making breakthroughs in the technological world. From windshield wipers to coffee filter paper, women have contributed significantly with their inventions to make this world a better place.

March is observed as the women’s history month to reflect on the often-overlooked contributions of women in history. To mark women’s history month, we honor the contributions of these 15 female inventors who have been driving innovation.

#1. Catia Bastioli

Ms. Catia Bastioli is an Italian inventor, chemist, researcher, and entrepreneur. She holds a degree in pure chemistry from the University of Perugia, Italy. Ms. Bastioli also attended the School of Business Administration (“Alti Potenziali Montedison”) at the Bocconi University in Milan. Ms. Bastioli is the CEO of Novamont S.p.A. She is also the president of Terna Spa of the Kyoto Club Association and the Italian Technological Cluster of Green Chemistry SPRING and a member of the Board of Directors of Fondazione Cariplo. 

Awards & Honors:

  • European Inventor of the Year Award in 2007 in the category “SMEs/research”
  • Honoris Causa Degree in Industrial Chemistry (2008, University of Genoa)
  • Honorary title of Knighthood (“Cavaliere dell’Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana”), 2013
  • Honoris Causa Degree in Materials Engineering (2016, University of Palermo) 
  • Appointed as “Cavaliere del Lavoro” by the President of the Italian Republic in 2017
  • Honoris Causa Degree in Business Economics (2018, University of Foggia)
  • Honorary Doctoral Degree in Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering (2019, University of Bologna)

Her most valuable patent is US5412005A for biodegradable polymeric compositions based on starch and thermoplastic polymers. 

15 Ingenious Female Inventors - Catia Bastioli

Source – EPO

Ms. Bastioli’s patent portfolio has 1291 patents globally which belong to 186 unique patent families. She is an individual inventor of 4 and a co-inventor in the rest of the 182 core patents. 

#2. Esther Sans Takeuchi

Dr. Esther Sans Takeuchi is an American inventor. She completed her graduation from the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Ohio State University under the direction of Dr. Harold Shechter in 1981. She has been a Professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo since September 2007. Before this, she worked with Electrochem as a Chief Scientist and at Greatbatch Inc. for more than two decades as a Director of Research & Development. 

She has also served as a postdoctoral research associate in electrochemistry, first at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1982 to 1983 and then at the State University of New York at Buffalo from 1983 to 1984.

Dr. Takeuchi is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering. After 40 years in industry and academia, she continues to work at the forefront of battery technology innovation

Awards & Honors:

  • National Medal of Technology and Innovation in 2010 awarded by President Obama
  • European Inventor Award in 2018

The most valuable patent in Ms. Takeuchi’s portfolio is US4964877A for a non-aqueous lithium battery. 


Dr.Esther Sans Takeuchi

Source – EPO

Ms. Takeuchi has 584 patents globally which belong to 153 unique patent families in her patent portfolio. She is an individual inventor of 5 and a co-inventor in the rest of the 148 core patents.

#3. Joy Mangano

Ms. Joy Mangano is an American inventor and entrepreneur. She was the president of Ingenious Designs LLC. In addition, she completed her graduation in business administration from Pace University.

In 1990 after growing frustrated with ordinary mops, Ms. Mangano developed her first invention, the Miracle Mop. It is a self-wringing plastic mop with a head made from a continuous loop of 300 feet (90 meters) of cotton that can be easily wrung out without getting the user’s hands wet. David O. Russell directed an Oscar-nominated movie based on her life, Joy. Ms. Mangano has also written a best-selling book, Inventing Joy, for those who want to build a brave and creative life.

Female Inventors - Joy Mangano - Self Wringing Mop

Source – The Inc

Awards & Honors:

  • Named the Long Island Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young in 1997
  • Ranked number 77 on Fast Company’s list of the 100 Most Creative People in Business in 2009
  • Included in Fast Company’s list of the 10 Most Creative Women in Business in 2010

The most valuable patent in Ms. Mangano’s portfolio is US5722260A for reversible jewelry clasp for necklaces and/or bracelets. 

Source – US Patent – 5722260A
Source – PurePearls

Ms. Mangano’s patent portfolio consists of 121 patents globally which belong to 68 unique patent families. She is an individual inventor of 55 and a co-inventor in the rest of the 13 core patents. 

#4. Helen Lee

Dr. Helen Lee is a medical researcher. She obtained her Ph.D. in biology, microbiology, and parasitology from Cornell University. Dr. Lee is the Associate Professor in Medical Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge. She is also the President and CEO of Diagnostics for the Real World Ltd (DRW), Sunnyvale, USA, and its wholly-owned subsidiary, DRW-Europe, Cambridge, UK. She worked with Abbott Laboratories from 1991 to 1995 as a General Manager for the Probe Diagnostics Business Unit.

Awards & Honors:

  • National Honor Society of Sigma Xi, 1967
  • Who’s Who of American Men in Science, 1970
  • The Entrepreneurial Award (Abbott Laboratories), 1988
  • The Phoenix Award (Abbott Laboratories), 1991
  • Finalist, YWCA Women of Achievement Award, 1994
  • Best Diagnostic Innovation Award (Medical Futures Innovation Competition), 2003
  • Lord Lloyd of Kilgerran Award (British Foundation for Science & Technology), 2005 
  • British Female Inventor in Industry Award, 2006
  • European Women of Achievement Award 2006
  • Asian Women of Achievement Award, 2007
  • Tech Museum of Innovation Award, 2007 
  • European Inventor Award, 2016
  • Appointed as a judge for the European Inventor Award, 2019
  • Recognized on the Times’ Science Power List in May 2020 

Her invention, the diagnostic kit SAMBA II is being repurposed for use in COVID-19 testing. The most valuable patent in Ms. Lee’s portfolio is US6521747B2 for haplotypes of the AGTR1 gene. 

SAMBA by Helen Lee

Source – EPO

Dr. Lee has 168 patents globally which belong to 37 unique patent families in her patent portfolio. She is an individual inventor of 4 and a co-inventor in the rest of the 33 core patents.

#5. Ann Lambrechts

Ms. Ann Lambrechts is a Belgian inventor. She works with NV Bekaert SA as a global sales and product manager. Before this, she worked as the head of R&D for Building Products at Bekaert.

  • Winner of the European Inventor Award, 2011 in the category “Industry”
Female Inventors - Ann Lambrechts

Source – EPO

Her invention of mixing steel wire elements into concrete has improved the stability of structures where it is used and reduced building costs—this invention, which is patent no. US6235108B1 is the most valuable patent in her portfolio. In addition, her invention increases the bending tensile strength of concrete by 32%, enabling more pioneering projects to be built.

Ms. Lambrecht’s patent portfolio has 232 patents globally, which belong to 28 unique patent families. She is an individual inventor of 10 and a co-inventor in the remaining 18 core patents.

#6. Ursula Keller

Dr. Ursula Keller is a Swiss inventor. She obtained her Ph.D. in engineering physics/applied physics from Stanford University.

Dr. Keller joined ETH Zurich as a professor of physics in 1993, where she led the Ultrafast Laser Physics group. She currently serves as a director of the NCCR MUST (Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology), an interdisciplinary research program supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation, bringing together 15 Swiss research groups in ultrafast physics and chemistry. She has published more than 330 peer-reviewed journal papers and 11 book chapters.

Awards & Honors:

  • Weizmann Women and Science Award, 2017
  • European Inventor Award, 2018 for laser technology in the category “lifetime achievement”
  • IEEE  (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Photonics Award, 2018
  • IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Edison Medal, 2019 
  • SPIE (the international society for optics and photonics) Gold Medal, 2020

The most valuable patent in Dr. Keller’s portfolio is US6834064B1 for the semiconductor saturable-absorber mirror technology used in mode-locking ultrafast solid-state laser systems. 

Source – EPO

She has 80 patents globally which belong to 22 unique patent families in her patent portfolio. She is an individual inventor of 2 and a co-inventor in the rest 20 core patents. 

#7. Christine Van Broeckhoven

Dr. Christine Van Broeckhoven is a Belgian inventor. She completed her Ph.D. in molecular biology from the University of Antwerp. Ms. Broeckhoven has been a Molecular Biology and Genetics Professor at the University of Antwerp since 1995. 

Since 1983 she has had her laboratory for molecular genetics at the University of Antwerp, and since 2005 is focussing her research on neurodegenerative brain diseases. She is an associate editor of the scientific journal Genes, Brain, and Behavior.

Dr. Broeckhoven has over 35 years of experience in molecular genetics research of neurodegenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, frontotemporal lobar degeneration, amyothrophic lateral sclerosis, lewy bodies disorders, and Parkinson’s disease.

Awards & Honors:

  • Belgian Quinquennial Prize of the Belgian National Science Foundation 
  • Potamkin Prize (The Potamkin Prize for Research in Pick’s, Alzheimer’s, and Related Diseases), 
  • The Arkprijs van het Vrije Woord 
  • European Inventor Award 2011.

The most valuable patent in Dr. Broeckhoven’s portfolio is EP561087B1 for a mutated form of the beta-amyloid precursor protein gene. 

Source –

Her patent portfolio has 77 patents globally which belong to 20 unique patent families.

#8. Margarita Salas

Late Dr. Margarita Salas (November 30, 1938 – November 7, 2019) was a Spanish inventor. Margarita had graduated from the Complutense University of Madrid with a BA in chemistry and obtained a Ph.D. in 1963. She started her career in the US-based laboratory of Nobel-prize winner Severo Ochoa. She returned to her native Spain in 1967 to establish the country’s first research group in molecular genetics.

Dr. Salas led the breakthroughs that have since made DNA testing fast, reliable, and used in many applications.

Awards & Honors:

  • Carlos J. Finlay Prize, UNESCO, 1991
  • Medal of Principality of Asturias, 1997
  • National Research Award Santiago Ramon y Cajal, 1999
  • L’Oreal-UNESCO Award for Women in Science, 2000
  • Selected among the 100 women of the twentieth century that paved the way for equality in the XXI Century by the Council of Women of the Community of Madrid, 2001
  • Isabel Ferrer Award of the Generalitat Valenciana, 2002
  • Gold Medal of the Community of Madrid, 2002
  • Grand Cross of the Civil Order of Alfonso X, the Wise, 2003
  • International Prize for Science and Research Cristóbal Gabarrón Foundation, 2004
  • Gold Medal for Merit in Work, 2005
  • Medal of Honor of the Complutense University of Madrid, 2005
  • Award of Excellence granted by FEDEPE (Spanish Federation of Women Directors, Executives, Professionals, and Entrepreneurs), 2006
  • First Spanish woman to become a member of the National Academy of Science (United States), 2007
  • Gold Medal of the College of Veterinarians of the Principality of Asturias, 2009
  • Title of Honorary Ambassador of the Spain Brand, category of Science and Innovation, which fails Leading Brands of Spanish Forum with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, 2009
  • Women Leader Award, awarded by the Rafael del Pino, Aliter and Merck Foundation, 2009
  • Award “An entire professional life” of the Mapfre Foundation, 2009
  • Chemistry Excellence Award, awarded by the General Council of Associations of Chemists of Spain, 2014
  • Medalla Echegaray, the highest award from the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, 2016
  • ManchaArte Award 2018, 2018
  • European Inventor Award Lifetime Achievement Award and Audience Award by European Patent Office, 2019

The most valuable patent in Dr. Salas’s portfolio is US5198543A for an improved method for determining the nucleotide base sequence of a DNA molecule. 

Source – The Conversation

Her patent portfolio has 80 patents globally which belong to 19 unique patent families.

#9. Marissa Mayer

Ms. Marissa Mayer is an American inventor. Marissa studied symbolic systems and computer science with an emphasis on artificial intelligence, receiving a BS degree in 1997 and an MS degree in 1999 at Stanford University. She is the co-founder of Sunshine Contacts. She has worked with some of the major corporate giants like Walmart, Yahoo, and Google. Ms. Mayer designed the search interface of Google’s home page. During her tenure at Google, Ms. Mayer helped create many patented inventions related to web-browsing software, including a program that searches saved articles.

Source – Business Insider

Ms. Mayer actively invests in technology companies, including crowd-sourced design retailer Minted, live video platform, wireless power startup uBeam, online DIY community/e-commerce company Brit + Co., mobile payments processor Square, home décor site One Kings Lane, genetic testing company Natera, and nootropics and biohacking company Nootrobox.

The most valuable patent in Ms. Mayer’s portfolio is US7096214B1 for a system and method for supporting editorial opinion in ranking search results. 

Source – US7096214B1

Ms. Mayer has 63 patents globally which belong to 14 unique patent families in her patent portfolio.

#10. Annegret Matthai

Ms. Annegret Matthai is a German inventor working with Audi AG, Germany. She is involved and working on inventions related to the motor industry. The most valuable patent in her portfolio is DE102008004049A1 for a laminated glass unit for use as a windshield in a motor vehicle.

Source – DE102008004049A1

Ms. Matthai has 32 patents globally in her patent portfolio, which belong to 13 unique patent families.

#11. Ann Tsukamoto

Dr. Ann Tsukamoto is an American inventor with a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology from the University of California. She is a stem cell researcher who started her career with SyStemix in 1989.

With her husband, Professor Irv Weissman, as co-patentee, Dr. Tsukamoto’s patent for stem cell isolation was awarded in 1991. Their discovery gave people with blood cancer another chance at life and has since saved hundreds of thousands of lives. Her work with Stem Cells, Inc. involves isolating liver and neural stem cells as they pertain to various diseases. 

Her most recent position was executive vice president for Scientific and Strategic Alliances at StemCells, Inc. During her 18-year tenure at StemCells, Dr. Tsukamoto led the scientific team that discovered the human central nervous system stem cell (HuCNS-SC®) and a second candidate stem cell for the liver and that transitioned the human neural stem cell into early clinical development in all three components of the CNS: brain, spinal cord, and eye. The biological potential and activity of these HuCNS-SC® cells were demonstrated in some patients and reflected results seen in preclinical rodents studies. Unfortunately, the many challenges of developing a cell therapy in a small biotech firm led to the closure of StemCells, Inc., in August 2016.

She successfully invented the method to isolate blood stem cells in the body and obtained patent no. US5061620A

Source – Women@TheFrontier

This is the most valuable patent in her portfolio. Dr. Tsukamoto has 48 patents globally in her portfolio, which belong to 8 unique patent families.

#12. Laura Johanna van ‘t Veer

Dr. Laura Johanna van ‘t Veer is a Dutch Molecular Biologist and inventor of MammaPrint. Her research focuses on personalized medicine to advance patient management based on knowledge of the genetic make-up of the tumor as well as the genetic make-up of the patient. She completed her Ph.D. in oncology and cancer biology from Leiden University.

Laura has been the Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Director Applied Genomics Cancer Center at the UCSF (University of California San Francisco) since 2010. She has earlier worked with Agendia and the Netherlands Cancer Institute. Laura was also a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard Medical School (HMS) from 1989 to 1991.

Award & Honors:

  • European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) LifeTime Achievement Award, 2007 
  • Second prize EU Women Innovator Award, 2014
  • European Inventor Award in the category Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, 2015
  • European CanCer Organization Clinical Research Award, 2017
  • Precision Medicine World Conference Luminary Award, 2020
  • Recognized as one of the ’32 Amazing Women Inventors’, a group of women who succeeded in fields that are overwhelmingly dominated by men

Source – EPO

The most valuable patent in Laura Johanna van ’t Veer’s portfolio is US7171311B2, for methods of assigning treatment to breast cancer patients. 

In Laura Johanna van ’t Veer’s patent portfolio, there are 40 patents globally, which belong to 8 unique patent families.

#13. Macinley Butson

Ms. Macinley Butson is an Australian inventor with a bachelor’s degree in science from the University of Wollongong. She is the founder of Passionately Curious, which provides access and opportunity to STEM, sparking curiosity for a generation of young minds. Before starting Passionately Curious, Ms. Butson worked with Scilutions Pty Ltd as a Director.

She is notable as the youngest female inventor and scientist. She came up with her first invention at the age of 6. Ms. Butson has received numerous awards and honors as an inventor.

Awards & Honors:

  • Marie Claire + Bumble Glass Ceiling Awards, 2019 – The Future Shaper award winner
  • Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize Winner, 2019
  • Instyle and Audi Women of Style Awards Judges Choice Winner, 2019 
  • Instyle and Audi Women of Style Next-Gen Innovator (Science) Award Winner, 2019 
  • Ozwater ’19 Keynote Speaker
  • TedXYouth@ScotchCollegeAdelaide Speaker
  • AFR 100 Woman of Influence Finalist
  • 1st place Award at Intel International Science & Engineering Fair
  • 3rd place in Environmental Engineering at Intel International Science & Engineering Fair
  • NSW Young Australian of the Year, 2018
  • Event Speaker for TedxYouth@Sydney
  • 1st Place in Translational Medicine at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
  • Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize Winner
  • 4th Place in Energy: Physical at Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
  • 1st Place at the BHP Billiton Foundation Science and Engineering Awards

Ms. Butson’s patent portfolio has six patents globally, all belonging to unique patent families. She is an individual inventor of all six core patents. She invented an ultraviolet radiation sticker that measures the solar UV exposure required to sanitize drinking water and a smart shield to protect women undergoing radiotherapy against excess radiation.

 Source – Good News Network

#14. Patricia Billings

Ms. Patricia Billings is an American inventor and businesswoman. She completed her study in Arts at Amarillo College in Texas. Her detour from art into technology came in the late 1970s when a swan sculpture fell and shattered after months of work. Ms. Billings, who knew that Michelangelo and other Renaissance sculptors used a cement additive to give their plaster longevity, set out to create a modern equivalent.

Her specialty was plaster of Paris sculptures, and Ms. Billings filed several patents for building materials, including modular wall panels and roofing tiles.

The most valuable patent in Ms. Billings’s portfolio is US5647180A for a fire-resistant building panel marketed by the name Geobond®. 

Geobond® products are so resistant to heat that it remains lukewarm after being torched with a 2,000°F flame for four hours.

Source – Inventricity

Ms. Billings, in her patent portfolio, has eight patents globally, which belong to 5 unique patent families.

#15. Lynn Ann Conway

Ms. Lynn Ann Conway is an American inventor. After earning her BS and MSEE from Columbia University’s School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ms. Conway joined IBM Research. There she made foundational contributions to computer architecture, including the invention of multiple-out-of-order dynamic instruction scheduling. Fired by IBM as she underwent gender transition in 1968, Ms. Conway secretly started her career over again in stealth mode, soon becoming a computer architect at Memorex. She has also worked at MIT as a Vis. Assoc. Professor of EECS, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, and DAPRA. She is an Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Professor at the University of Michigan.

Her specialties are computer science, systems architecture, electrical engineering, microelectronic design, research management, engineering education, and human rights advocacy.

Awards & Honors:

  • Electronics 1981 Award for Achievement
  • Harold Pender Award of the Moore School, University of Pennsylvania
  • IEEE EAB Major Educational Innovation Award, 1984
  • Fellow of the IEEE, 1985, “for contributions to VLSI technology”
  • John Price Wetherill Medal of the Franklin Institute, with Carver Mead, 1985
  • Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award, 1985
  • Member of the National Academy of Engineering, 1989
  • National Achievement Award, Society of Women Engineers, 1990
  • Presidential Appointment to the United States Air Force Academy Board of Visitors, 1996
  • Honorary Doctorate, Trinity College, 1998
  • Electronic Design Hall of Fame, 2002
  • Engineer of the Year, National Organization of Gay and Lesbian Scientists and Technical Professionals, 2005
  • Computer Pioneer Award, IEEE Computer Society, 2009
  • Fellow Award, Computer History Museum, 2014
  • Honorary Doctorate, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2014
  • IEEE/RSE James Clerk Maxwell Medal, 2015
  • Honorary Doctorate, University of Victoria
  • Fellow Award, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), 2016
  • Honorary Doctorate and Commencement Address, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2018
  • Pioneer in Tech Award, National Center for Women in Technology (NCWIT), 2019
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, IBM Corporation, 2020

Source – Michigan AI Lab – University of Michigan

The most valuable patent in Ms. Conway’s portfolio is US5652849A for an apparatus and method for remote control using a visual information stream. 

In Ms. Conway’s patent portfolio, there are five patents globally, which belong to 5 unique patent families. 


These are some female inventors from numerous women who have contributed to the world of innovation. These women are an inspiration for young girls around the world. Women continue to disrupt the patent industry and make life easier with their inventions. We at PQAI salute and celebrate all the female inventors around the world.

Exclusive Interview with Sam Zellner | Inventor Spotlight

Exclusive Interview with Sam Zellner

Mr A: Core innovation happens when we stop believing in the societal norms of accepting ‘that’s how it works’. 

Sam Zellner: “The corollary to this is believing long-held assumptions can’t change. For example, Ken Olsen, CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), said in 1977, ‘there is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.’ The challenge for all of us is realizing when a basic assumption is no longer true. The funny thing is it’s always obvious later on!

Who is Sam Zellner?

Samuel N Zellner is a prolific American inventor with over 200 issued and pending patents worldwide. He has held many prestigious positions in innovation and intellectual property domains. At AT&T, Sam created state-of-the-art platforms utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI). He also developed new approaches in advanced big data concepts to develop high-value patent portfolios and monetize these Intellectual Property (IP) assets.

Sam currently leads a not-for-profit open-source initiative to create a library of advanced AI-powered tools called PQAI to accelerate innovation and improve patent quality. PQAI stands for Patent Quality through Artificial Intelligence. Sam Zellner is also the founder and CEO of InspireIP, an invention disclosure system that makes invention management easy for organizations to help them reach their true innovation potential.

Sam is a board member on a number of the state IP Alliances as well as the newly formed US Intellectual Property Alliance. He received recognition as Iam 300 Top Strategist 2019. He is experienced in planning and strategizing in high-tech. Sam was also on the Licensing Executive Society (LES) board of directors, Atlanta chapter, from January 2018 to December 2019. 

Exclusive Interview With Sam Zellner

We asked some questions from Sam Zellner, and through his experience, he has provided some brilliant insights for inventors and patent portfolio managers.

#1. What challenges do you face in your daily life as an inventor?

My big joke is that the inventors are some of the loneliest people as they cannot find support for their ideas. As an inventor, you come up with an idea, and if you present your idea to someone, they tend to discount it as being bizarre or incorrect.

For example, long ago, when inventors were thinking about putting cameras on cell phones, everybody was like, why would we put cameras on cell phones? Data transmission was expensive, cell phones could not hold much data, and it seemed like a crazy idea at the time. It is hard for an inventor to share ideas with others, as inventors typically base their inventions on the assumption sets different from the accepted norms. Battery technology will improve (think electric cars), people will change their behavior (think buying online), and laws will change (think Uber and taxi licenses). The unimaginable is why most people can’t see or accept inventors’ visions. Later on, when hopefully the idea is adopted, everyone’s lenses look at the concept with the new assumption set will say that either ‘I was also thinking of this idea back then’ or that ‘it was obvious’. It is hard as an inventor to get credit. With the patent system, the inventor gets some credit as they are recognized with the patent. 

Generally, it’s a lonely life as an inventor, a tough life because people rarely acknowledge that you have a good idea. Rarely do you get recognized as doing something novel; rather, you are recognized as crazy, which is the typical thought process.

#2. Are you part of any inventor groups or communities?

I am not aware of a lot of communities. Maybe, the individual inventors are a part of some communities. My experience with corporate inventors is that they tend to talk to their associates, but I am unfamiliar with the corporate inventors being part of a specific group. You might check with the inventors’ association to see if there are any particular groups they are pushing towards. I think in Atlanta, some incubators have fairly popular events. Tech Village in Atlanta is one.

#3. What motivates you to invent?

As many say, engineers like solving problems; I think it’s a mixture of curiosity and wanting to solve problems. Patents are about solving problems, so it comes naturally that way. I look at problems and try to think of how to solve them.

#4. When do the best ideas occur to you?

I think most people say that when you are in the shower. On the contrary, I think typically, as I said, it’s about solving problems, so the best ideas come a few hours after you see a problem or run into a problem. As they say, your mind is thinking about a problem; to solve it, sometimes all you need to do is let the subconscious help you. Because unfortunately, the assumptions that most of us go around with are so strong that it’s hard to see past those assumptions. Particularly what are called the ‘old assumptions’ – assumptions that might have been good a year ago but now because of new technologies, change in economic factors or regulatory landscape, or something in the environment. Now the old assumption that – ‘we can’t do this,’ is probably no longer valid. So when you think of assumptions as walls, just moving those walls away opens up a whole gamut of opportunities.

It reminds me of location services; I did a lot of patents around location services.

Earlier, we had no real in-location services capability, and then GPS came. GPS led to the enhancements with cellular, allowing us to do location for 911. The general thinking of the people was that ‘I don’t know where somebody is when they call when they are using a phone,’ and then suddenly, anybody could find out where exactly the caller is.

So as an inventor, you feel intrigued to brainstorm what else can such a service be useful for.

What came to my mind at that time was that the cellular network moves with me. It knows when I leave the house, it can see me driving my car and track my location in real-time. Now, if there was a way to change the thermostat in my house while I am fifteen minutes away from home, I could save so much energy. Since it’s sweltering in Atlanta, whenever I used to leave the house, I always left the air conditioning on to keep the house cool. It always bothered me as it was a considerable waste of power. So this was a simple example; once we realize that we can use location to control things, it opens up all kinds of opportunities.

Another thought was now that the cellular network could see me arriving in a city, if there’s a hotel in that city, it can automatically register me for the hotel because it can see that I am coming for my hotel room. So it’s fantastic; once I start realizing and accepting that I can know where people are, I can now make some assumptions about what should be done based on where I am. So that’s what I mean about the whole idea of changing assumptions and opening up more opportunities.

#5. Is there a systematic approach to coming up with innovations? 

There are a lot of techniques out there; it depends on the person’s choice of what approach works well. There are two parts to this; one is getting the seed idea, and the other is extending it. So the hard part is getting the seed idea and finding a significant problem that hasn’t been solved well. I usually go through the assumptions I make about the problem and test each to see if it’s true.

The other piece I see many people do is that they tend to get fixated on one solution to a problem. They don’t generalize it because, again, think about it, the patent is looking into the future. As an inventor, you are trying to throw a solution into the future, and it’s tough to know how the world will change. So you would want to expand your idea. Moreover, you don’t know what other people have done.

That’s one of the reasons why PQAI is so helpful. When you run your idea through PQAI search engine, you can see where the thinking is and how you can modify your idea based on that. As an inventor, you might find out that people have already thought about your idea, so you might want to think about the next generation of the idea. Maybe there are some aspects of using location to control something, what would come next, and where else you might apply this knowledge of the live location. What about using location to provide package delivery notifications?

When you get a seed idea for an invention, try to generalize it. I think of generalizing it to the point that it’s no longer novel. It gets so broad that you’ll run into the wall that says, it sounds familiar, or that’s already been done. In any case, it helps you, particularly in the patent, because, as you know, with a patent, you have your initial claim, and then you have your dependent claims. Thus, generalization expands your idea. Like again in the example of location services and controlling the thermostat, you might generalize it from controlling a thermostat to controlling a device. You might also define control as turning on and off instead of adjusting. You might also think of using the control for multiple devices. So generalization helps to broaden your idea in case some prior art is already there; you can find your segment while running your ideas through prior art search tools like PQAI.

#6. What was your first invention, and when did you come up with it?

Aah! the first invention, well, I didn’t go anywhere with that, but I tried. I had two ideas; I came up with the first one in 1983. I wanted to create a phone ringer that would play tunes for landline phones. My interest was particularly in the fight songs in colleges as tunes. For example, I attended school at Northwestern University. Like most universities, they have a big marching band and their own fight song. And I thought that, wow, all the alums would love to have their phones ring their school’s fight song. At the time, there were no cell phones, and landline phones did not have any tunes playing; they were just standard ringers. So I was trying to put together the electronics around it, but unfortunately, I could not quite get it together. 

The other idea, which sounded crazy back then, was putting TVs in an elevator. I used to work in a high-rise building back then. I just noticed how much time people spend in the elevator and how uncomfortable people are in the elevator. So then, I thought, wow, if you could put a TV in there and show some news or something, that would be welcome since people are looking around uncomfortably in the elevator. I actually talked to the city of Chicago elevator commission about putting TVs in the elevators, and they thought I was crazy. Now the ironic thing is, I haven’t seen that many, but there are a few TVs in the elevators, but you see TVs in public places. It is one of the examples where I should have been thinking broadly because now you see TVs at the airport, gas stations, pumps, and in many different places. It goes back to thinking broadly because sometimes your initial use case is not the most important use case.

#7. What shall be your advice for budding inventors?

Run your idea through PQAI to learn how other inventors have tried to solve the problem. Keep an open mind. Avoid getting stuck on your one use case. Share your idea with people and get feedback, obviously in a way that it is protected but maybe after your provisional application. You can also discuss the idea with your close friends to get a sense of how people are reacting to your idea. It will often give clues as to where you are a little off in your idea. In my experience, I have rarely seen people hit it right with their initial idea. People are in the right area and have the right basic building blocks, but it needs to be adjusted somehow. My advice is to be open and listen carefully to people’s reactions, as it might give clues about where you should be going.

The other thing is that inventing is very hard. So don’t be discouraged if your first idea might not be novel. It is very challenging; you are competing against all the inventors in the world. That’s very tough, so don’t get discouraged.

#8. How was your experience as an inventor at AT&T?

My experience at AT&T was excellent. AT&T has a very energetic, creative environment and brilliant people. We could talk about new ideas, and people were very open to them. In addition, we were working with many cutting-edge technologies at AT&T, so I found it very easy to develop new ideas in that environment.

#9. What tips would you like to give a patent portfolio manager?

Again, one needs to be broad to have an effective patent. So I would want to encourage the patent portfolio managers to ensure the patent is broad enough so that the patent is still relevant as the future unfolds. I think doing some prior art searching helps to broaden your patent. Prior art searching gives you a sense of how other people think about the idea. Then you can see how your idea relates to those thoughts, which usually generates more use cases and thoughts about how to broaden the patent and where novelty exists.

I would encourage the patent portfolio managers to do some prior art searching, and that’s where PQAI provides a great opportunity, as prior art search takes a lot of time. With PQAI, you can do it very quickly. So it is a golden opportunity for patent portfolio managers to leverage it and ensure that either the ideas/inventions are new disclosures or continuations or their very best.

Sam Zellner | Patent Portfolio

The statistics and charts hereunder provide an insight into Sam’s patent portfolio, which has more than 200 issued and pending patents worldwide.

Note – Patent families represent the count of total unique patent families. Patents represent the total number of records, i.e., considering all the family members of an INPADOC (International Patent Documentation) family. The following four statistics are based on unique families count.

  • Technology Area And Patent Families Count –

Sam’s patent portfolio has 292 patents globally, which belong to 91 unique patent families. He has worked in many tech industry areas, but most of his inventions are related to electronic communication techniques and instruments. The count of inventions in this and related domains is 86.

The chart below details the areas of technology in which his patents have been filed:

Sam Zellner Patent Portfolio
  • Technology Through The Years – 

This statistic is based on Sam Zellner’s patent filings periodically, indicating how many patents are filed year by year and in which area of technology:

Sam Zellner Patent Portfolio
  • Inventions – 

Sam Zellner has patents in 91 different patent families within his patent portfolio. He is an individual inventor of 17 and a co-inventor of the rest of the 74 core patents:

Sam Zellner Patent Portfolio
  • Patent Assignment 

Sam Zellner is affiliated with AT&T Inc, putting AT&T on the top of the list of patent assignments by Sam for his inventions. However, there are names of a few other assignees in the list, in the cases where Sam’s inventions have been re-assigned by AT&T. All these patents were filed by AT&T. All the subdivisions of AT&T as AT&T Inc have been considered.

Sam Zellner Patent Portfolio

The term “Patent Counts” represents the counts of individual patents filed in various countries, irrespective of the patent family. The following statistic is based on the total number of patents in the portfolio: 

  • Patent Filing Worldwide

The following graph shows Sam Zellner’s patent filing for inventions worldwide. The majority of the patents have been filed in the United States of America. Also, there are ten patents in which the applications were filed before the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) & the European Patent Office (EPO).

Sam Zellner Patent Portfolio

A Quick Wrap Up

Sam Zellner has decades of experience as an inventor and a patent portfolio manager.

Sam’s advice to the inventors is to think broadly and expand the idea far beyond their first use case. In addition, Sam recommends that inventors keep an open mind and observe how people react to the idea when shared with them in a protected way. Finally, Sam also motivates inventors to avoid getting discouraged if their idea is not novel.

Sam encourages the patent portfolio managers and the inventors to do some prior art searching to find out how other inventors are approaching the same problem. Prior art search gives ideas to broaden the patent claims and file effective patents.