Shaping the future of patent searching through AI

A collaborative, not-for-profit initiative to build an open-source ecosystem of AI components to drive innovation and improve patent quality.

An initiative by AT&T


Patent Quality Artificial Intelligence

To make the patent process more transparent for all involved, significantly grow the number of inventors, thus accelerating the pace of innovation and simultaneously improving the overall quality of patents.

Open-source AI for Patent Data Mining

Open source software (OSS) is a big driver of freedom, trust, and innovation in the digital age.

What Linux did in the OS space and what Mozilla did in the browser space are the results of open source initiatives.

It’s time to bring open source to patent search.

PQAI enables researchers, developers, and tinkerers working with patent data to leverage advanced AI, get community support, and help them make a big impact.

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Help PQAI Democratize Patent Search

Making breakthroughs possible

Developing an effective natural-language-based patent search platform is one of the biggest problems in the field of patent data mining. PQAI aims to bring the best minds working in this area to collaborate and develop AI components to tackle this huge challenge.

Bringing cutting-edge technology to users

A lot of excellent work done by researchers ends up gathering (digital) dust in some obscure Github repositories or research papers. PQAI aims to enable researchers to create a big impact with their work by making it available to real users.

Speeding up the inventive process

A big fraction of patent applications filed at patent offices around the world is rejected because it is found that the inventors ended up reinventing something already patented. PQAI aims to help inventors find all the inspiration and prior work on their problems.

Improving patent quality

The decision to grant a patent is largely on a prior-art search done by patent examiners, but with so much data, it is getting increasingly difficult to run a thorough search. PQAI aims to provide patent professionals with tools to run accurate searches by leveraging AI.

Leveling the playing field

Open access patent tools help under-resourced inventors from diverse backgrounds and start-ups or small organizations to accurately assess their inventions. It helps them achieve more success at the patent office under budget constraints.

Driving trust in the industry

It is known that AI can have subtle biases that can make it act in unintended ways. That’s why it is important for AI programs to be developed via an inclusive and open process. An open source development model is the best way to impart trust and transparency.

Initiative Started By

PQAI Search Tools

Whether you’re an inventor, a patent examiner, a patent attorney, or a business owner, if you benefit by deriving insights from patent data, PQAI can help you.

By leveraging an AI-first search model, PQAI makes patent data exploration easy and efficient.

Committed to security, privacy, and unbridled innovation, PQAI empowers innovators with state-of-the-art AI tools.

PQAI Search Tools

Uses AI to find the most relevant prior art references. It also offers a combinational prior art search to assess the possibility of getting a 103 (obviousness) rejection from the patent office. Users can export results in informative PDF reports for further analysis and discussions with other stakeholders. Also, find insights on patenting trends, etc., relating to your invention.

Concept Extractor

Already found a related prior-art reference or two and want to use it as a point to find more such references? Run them through the concept extractor to find important keywords and concepts useful for further search.

Art Unit Predictor

Find out the most probable USPTO group art units where your patent application may be routed for examination. Thereafter you can study its overall statistics relating to allowance and rejection ratios, prosecution cycle, and backlog to anticipate potential prosecution.

Keyword Suggester

Patents often use different words to describe ideas than the ones we use in everyday language. Find out popular terminology surrounding the concepts your invention revolves around.

While conducting the prior art searches, this tool provides valuable keywords for a more comprehensive search.

CPC Lookup

Find out the most relevant IPC/CPC codes based on a textual description of an invention. IPC/CPC codes can help you narrow down the technology area of your interest and find all the related patents filed in it easily.



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